Steps To Re-Printing JAMB Registration Slip 2024 And Date

Duly registered candidates can now reprint their slips for the 2024 UTME examination. The reprinting starts on 10th April 2024 and this is before the commencement of the examination. You are advised to print on or before Friday, 19th April 2024.
JAMB slip will enable you to know the JAMB examination dates which are designated to each candidate depending on the examination zone you choose during your online registration at CBT centers. The information contained in the slip are the Examination date and time, Examination venue i.e. JAMB center, JAMB subject combination, and JAMB registration number.
The latest information by the JAMB registrar says that printing of examination (Notification) or Result notification slips or ticketing can be done at the comfort of your house or through accredited CBT centres using the candidate’s JAMB registration number only.
The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board says the conduct of the 2024 Mock Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination will hold on 7th, March 2024. The main UTME is expected to start nationwide on Friday, 19th April to Monday, 29 April, 2024.
Steps to Reprint
The process is simple and easy. It is done by accessing the JAMB e-Facility on their portal. Reprinting your UTME examination slip will reflect your examination date and your registration number. You can access your slip without E-mail so far you have the phone number you used during registration or your registration number. Follow the steps below:
- Quickly log in to
- Then fill in all the details required from you
- Now click on “Re-print” to access your slip
- You can then go ahead to print it out via printer to have a hard copy.
Bring a copy of your JAMB registration slip to the examination centre and submit it to the invigilator. You are advised to keep a copy for reference purposes.
- Go to JAMB CBT registration center near you or do it yourself through your computer
- Explain to the center operator that you want to reprint your JAMB slip
- Supply them with your details
- The printing will be done for a token, also doing photocopies to avoid getting lost again
Also, you can retrieve your registration number through this same process.