Tips For NNPC/TOTAL Scholarship And Past Question

NNPC/TOTAL scholarship is one of the undergraduate scholarships in Nigeria that is easy to win if you are smart enough. It is also one of the scholarships that attract many students because of the “not to high” requirements – Students with 2.50 CGPA of 5-point scale, or equivalent can apply.
It also amazes me that NNPC also considers both the WAEC result and JAMB result. It means you must have performed excellently well in the exams to show them how you are consistent academically. No scholarship board in Nigeria will want to waste their money on students who will relent as time goes on.
For you to keep receiving the scholarship, you must consistently do well academically.
This article will give you tips that will make you successful in the NNPC/TOTAL scholarship test with hints on the past questions.
You can get verbal and quantitative reasoning questions by Downloading free aptitude test question here. Ensure you practice all the questions there.
NNPC/TOTAL Scholarship Success Tips
According from the information gathered from those that have written the test in the past years, they said the exams is paper type. Calculator aren’t allow. It’s divided into 5 sections, 40 minutes each, 40 questions per section: the exam comprises of Logical, verbal, quantitative reasoning, english language and current affairs{based on oil and others}
To succeed in this test, you must be fast and able to minimize your mistakes and error as possible, and lay your hands on past question. The test is computer based and the time given is short.
NNPC/TOTAL Scholarship Past questions
Lay your hands on the past questions and study them. Previous tests have shown that some of the NNPC/TOTAL aptitude test is psychometric in nature.
Ensure you download questions from the link I provided above. And you can practice English questions from this link.