7 Basic Exam Preparation Study Tips For Students

Adequate preparation is essential for success in life. As the saying goes, failure to prepare is preparation to fail. No examination comes without notice. Moreover, the timetable would have been out for more than a month. This implies that no student can say the exam caught him/her unaware. The rule of thumb is to start preparing on the first day of school resumption. Waiting till the exam is near is putting pressure on yourself, and this method can affect the workings of the brain. This is why some people forget what they have read during the exam. The brain takes information bit by bit. Any attempt to go against this simple principle, be ready for some disappointment.
Some basic tips will be discussed in this article, which will help you to adequately prepare for the exam and, at the same time, ace the exam. Below are the 6 top exam preparation study tips:
Give yourself enough time to study
The best thing to do is to start studying months before the exam. This will help you to master the preparatory materials and be fully prepared for the exam. Don’t leave it until the last minute. While some students do seem to thrive on last-minute cramming, it’s widely accepted that this is not the best way to approach an exam for most people. People who may have difficulty on how to study, need enough time to digest the material.
Know the study pattern that works best for you
For you to assimilate better during your study time, you must know the pattern that works best for you. Make sure you feel as comfortable and able to focus as possible. This can be achieved by getting rid of all distractions. For some people, this may mean almost complete silence; for others, background music helps. Some of us concentrate and assimilate better in the early hours of the day, while others thrive in the midday. Consider what works for you, and take the time to get it right.
Practice past questions
One of the most effective ways to prepare for exams is to practice taking past questions. I have discovered that examination bodies, teachers, and lecturers don’t have all the time to set entire new questions. They majorly rely on past versions of the exam. Having said this, practising taking past versions will help you get used to the format of the questions, and this will help your confidence level before and during the exams.
Organize study groups with colleagues
There was a particular exam I was preparing for, and I had a problem with a particular question I saw in the past questions during my study session. I got the solution to the question when a friend in my study group explained the solution to me. The most interesting thing is that the question came out in the exam. This means that study groups will help facilitate learning, which is an effective way to challenge yourself.
Plan your exam day
The first thing you need to do a day before your exam day is to get everything you need ready. Don’t be like some people who will arrange what they need on the exam day on that very day. One of the dangers of doing things in a hurry on the exam day is that you might forget all you have read. And this is why people fail an exam.
Moreover, you should ensure you get to the exam venue one hour before the exam. This can be achieved when you plan your route and journey time. If possible, visit the venue a day before the exam. If not, write down clear directions.
Drink a reasonable amount of water before you enter the exam hall
Research states that water supplies the brain with energy for all brain functions, including thinking and memory processes. In his article, Gorska, notes that when the brain functions with the necessary amount of water, we are capable of faster thinking, better focus, mental clarity, and creativity. And when the brain functions maximally, success is guaranteed in the exam.