Scheme of Work

Scheme of Work For English Language Primary 1

This article provides you with the English Language scheme of work and the curriculum for the first term, second term, and third term for primary 1 pupil.

First term

Phonological awareness

  • Auditory perception and discrimination
  • Sounds of domestic animals such as cat, horse dog, cock, cow, goat, etc.

Phonemic Awareness

  • Sounds of letters; – Production of basic sounds in given words correctly e.g. /a/, /b/, /d/

Phonemic Awareness II

Pupils should be able to:

  • listen to one syllable words and recognizes words that begin with same letter sounds.
  • recognize words that end with same letter sounds.
  • identify rhyming words.
  • identify beginning and end sounds;
  • blend sounds to form one syllable words e.g. ex, to, my, do etc, and
  • segment and syllable words into separate letter sounds

Phonemic Awareness III

Pupils should be able to:

  • sing songs taught
  • recite rhymes
  • identify letters sounds in songs and rhymes
  • recognize rhyming words from given word sets; and
  • build rhyming word families

Phonics I

The alphabet:

  • sounds of letters of the alphabet /a/ – /3/
  • names of all uppercase and lower case letters of the alphabet
  • alphabetical order

Phonics II

  • Blending sounds of letters to form words e.g. /v/ – an (to form van; or /c/ – an to form can); or /c/ – at to form cat); etc

Phonics III

  • Identification of familiar sounds in words e.g. house/mouse; try/fry; cat/bat/hat; etc.
  • Combining sounds to form two and three letter words leg. “tonight from “to” and “might; “into” from “in” and “ to”; etc)

Phonics IV

  • Decoding strategies
  • Sounding out words in text
  • Break words into smaller words
  • Words parts compound words, diagraphs
  • Apply long and short vowels

Fluency I

  • Reading aloud with: pacing, intonation, punctuations
  • Reading variety of texts (poems, fantasy etc)
  • Independent reading

Fluency II

  • Recognition of common one letter words (e.g. “a”, and “I”); two– letter (e.g. “s”, “my”); and three- Letter words (e.g. “the”, “was”; “can”)

Second term

Comprehension I

Pupils should be able

  • Listening comprehension
  • Answering questions from stories
  • Making connections and responding to story themes, plots and settings

Comprehension II

  • Written comprehension
  • Making connections and responding to story themes, plots and settings

Comprehension III

  • Reading informational text: pictures, illustrations, tables, charts, graphs etc.

Vocabulary acquisition I

  • Reading vocabulary acquisition: Word categories, Colours, Shapes, Foods, Animals, Toys, etc.
  • Abbreviation and word endings e.g. Mr. Mrs. Dr. Rev. etc –s, -ed, -es, -ing, etc. – Symbols e.g. N; k; -; +, =; -:, x, %, 8, #; *, etc.

Vocabulary acquisition II

Pupils should be able to:

  • explain the concept of synonyms and antonyms
  • identify antonyms and synonyms correctly in own speech and in written texts and stories
  • identify homonyms
  • explain meaning of new words in content – specific texts correctly
  • use of new vocabulary and grammatical constructions in own speech
  • recognize and understand the meaning of 100-300 new words
  • manipulate word families

Concepts of print I

  • Parts of a book: front cover, back cover, title, pages, author, etc.
  • The alphabets A-Z

Concepts of print II

  • Identification of upper and lower case letters
  • Punctuation marks – Comma, “, “; – – Full – stop “.”:- – Question mark (?)

Concepts of print III

  • Eye movement: reading from left to right, top to bottom, etc.
  • Matching oral words to print

Sounds and letters

  • Production of basic sounds in given words correctly e.g. /a/, /b/, /d/
  • Correct pronunciation of letters of the alphabet e.g. A,B,C

Songs and rhymes

  • Clare recitation of various rhymes of depicting nature, care, kindness and love
  • Short songs which appeal to children’s sentiments

Read: List of Nursery and Primary School Subjects

Third Term

Simple greetings and commands

  • Greetings at home and appropriate time for particular greetings e.g.: Pupil: “Good morning dad, how do you do? Dad: “Good morning Ade, how do you do?
  • Greetings at school e.g. Pupil: “Good morning Madam/Sir/Mr. Obi. Teacher: “Good morning Olu, how are you?” Pupil: “I am very well thank you sir”.
  • Greetings in the community, neighbours, elders/clan heads, nurse, doctor e.g. “Good afternoon Doctor/Sir/Madam etc.
  • Simple commands at home: e.g. ‘wake up!’, ‘go to bed’, ‘greet your daddy’.

Identification of persons and objects

  • Introductions such as “What is your name?” “My name is Tinu”. What is your father’s/mother’s/brother’s/sister’s name?”
  • Identification of objects at home e.g. bed, mat, radio “What is this?” “ Show me a cup” etc.

Identification of colours and animals

  • Identification of major colours: white, red, blue, yellow, black.
  • Description of things according to their colours e.g. ‘yellow bag’, ‘red bucket’, “Give me the green book” etc.
  • Identification of animals: domestic animals e.g. “Cat, dogs and goats”. wild animals e.g. Lions, Elephants and Hyenas

Expressing possession

Using the possessive my, yours, his, hers, in simple correct sentences e.g.

  • This is my pen
  • this is your pen
  • this is his/her pen

Expressing gratitude and farewell

  • Expressing gratitude through role play
  • Expressing farewell in various ways and situations
  • Expressing farewell

Asking and answer questions

Simple questions and answers, such as:

  • What is your name?’ ‘my name is Olu’
  • What is your father’s name?’ ‘my father’s name is Ahmed’

Introducing nouns and pronouns

  • Nouns: e.g. Lagos, house, Hauwa, etc pronouns e.g. she, they, he, it etc.

Indicating singular/plural forms

Bolarinwa Olajire

A tutor with a demonstrated history of working in the education industry. Skilled in analytical skills. Strong education professional with a M. SC focused in condensed matter. You can follow me on Twitter by clicking on the icon below to ask questions.

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