EMEND Essay Writing Competition For Nigerian Tertiary Institutions 2023

This is Emeraldscape Environmental Development’s writing competition amongst Nigerian tertiary institutions to mark this year’s World Environment Day. This competition aims to encourage critical thinking and active engagement with environmental issues, specifically plastic pollution.
Therefore, EMEND is now accepting applications from students of Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria for its 2023 World Environment Day Writing Competition. The deadline for the submission of entries for the EMEND World Environment Day Writing Competition is 14th May 2023.
The occasion of the World’s Environment day is always a veritable moment to reflect on our environment and the impacts our actions and inactions have on it.
Prizes: Outstanding essays will be rewarded with cash prizes:
- First Place: N100,000
- Second Place: N75,000
- Third Place: N50,000
Competition Topic: The topic for the competition is “In your opinion, what are the most effective and feasible solutions to tackle the issue of plastic pollution in your community, and how can individuals take action to support the #BeatPlasticPollution campaign?”
- Entries are expected from all students of Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria, except final year students.
Interested candidates who meet the criteria listed above should apply by
- The essay should not exceed 1200 words, including references.
- Essays should be submitted in MS Word format, A4 size, with a font size of 12 (Times New Roman), and a line spacing of 1.5.
- Essays must not breach the rules of plagiarism. Infringements will lead to disqualification.
- Fill in the application and submit your essay through the Google Form found at http://tinyurl.com/wedessay2023.