Free JAMB Brochure Download 2024/2025 For All Courses

In this JAMB Brochure, detailed information on how to complete the Direct Entry (DE) and Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) ONLINE Application Forms have been provided for medical courses (including medicine and surgery), mass communication, engineering, art courses, social sciences, law, etc. The brochure will also guide you on JAMB subject combination and O’level requirements for your chosen courses.
After downloading the free PDF, candidates are advised to read carefully the instructions and information provided herein before filling out the ONLINE Application Forms.
According to the JAMB requirement from the JAMB brochure, a candidate must have attained the age of sixteen (16) years or would have done so on the first day of October in the year of his/her candidature.
Important Points
- The guidelines and instructions provided in this Brochure will assist candidates in selecting appropriate institutions and Programmes and in completing the ONLINE Application Forms properly. The Board will not process any form completed without adherence to the instructions and regulations set out in the JAMB brochure.
- For a candidate to be offered admission into 100 level of the chosen Programme in any of the Institutions, he/she must obtain an acceptable level of performance at the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) in subjects RELEVANT to the proposed programme of study.
- The UTME subjects which are mandatory for the respective Programme are set out in Tables in the JAMB Brochure. All candidates are to note that “Use of English” is mandatory for all Programmes and has therefore been excluded from the Tables to avoid unnecessary repetition.
General Requirements
- Candidates must write the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and attain an acceptable score in the Use of English (Compulsory) and three (3) subjects required for the proposed programme of study as set out in the relevant Chapters of this Brochure.
- candidate must in addition to attaining an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination obtain one of the following qualifications:
- National Examinations Council (NECO)/West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Senior School Certificate (SSC) or the Senior School Certificate/General Certificate of Education (SSC/GCE ) or equivalents with credit passes in five (5) subjects including English and Mathematics obtained at not more than two (2) sittings; except where otherwise specified.
- Grade II Teachers’ Certificate (TC II) with credit or merit passes in at least five (5) subjects. PLEASE NOTE THAT TCII IS NOT ACCEPTABLE FOR SOME PROGRAMMES IN SOME UNIVERSITIES.
- National Technical Certificate (NTC), National Business Certificate (NBC) with credit passes in five (5) subjects including English and Mathematics obtained at not more than two (2) sittings. For the purpose of NTC/NBC awarded by National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB).
- A credit pass in Mathematics is required for all Science and Social Science Programmes except where otherwise stated.
- A credit pass in English Language is required for all Programmes except where otherwise stated.
- Please note that a matriculated student in any University is not eligible to sit for the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) except those who are transferring from foreign Universities.
If you want to download the complete brochure for all courses and schools, click here