JAMB Subject Combination for Social Science Courses

Listed below is the Jamb subject combination for social science courses like political science, mass communication, law, economics, accounting, banking and finance, etc.
Social science subjects include literature in English, government, Economics, Geography, History, commerce, Principle of Accounting, etc.
Mass communication
Use of English and Any three from Arts or Social Science subjects.
Waiver for mass communication
(i) LAGOS, AUE and BOWEN require Literature in English.
(ii) LAGOS accepts Mathematics as UTME subjects.
(iii) KSU requires Literature in English and any other two Arts or Social Science subjects
(iv) ABU requires Literature in English and any other two subjects.
(v) WESTERN-DEL requires Literature in English and any other two (2) Social Sciences or arts subjects. A pass in Mathematics may be accepted.
(vi) JABU requires Literature in English.
(vii) DELSU requires Mathematics and two other subjects from Economics, Government, Geography and Commerce.
(viii) KWASU requires Mathematics, Literature in English and any other subject.
(ix) SOUTHWESTERN requires Literature in English, Economics and Government.
(x) BAYERO requires any three subjects from Social Science subjects.
Political science
- Government or History
- Use of English
- plus two other Social Science/Arts subjects.
Waiver for political science: Click here to read more on the requirements to study political science
Use of English and Any three Arts or Social Science subjects.
Waiver for law
(i) BOWEN, ILORIN, UNN, BENIN, AAU and OAU require Literature in English plus any two (2) subjects.
(ii) LAGOS does not accept Music, Fine Arts, and Principles of Account and accepts either Economics or Commerce but not both.
(ii) IBADAN accepts Science subjects.
(iv) EBSU requires Literature in English and either Government, History, CRK or Economics.
(v) RSUST requires History or Government and two other subjects.
(vi) CUAB, DELSU and ABU require Literature in English and any other Arts or Social Science subjects.
(vii) OOU does not insist on Literature in English.
Use of English, Economics, Mathematics and any of Government, History, Geography, Lit-in-English, French and CRK/IRK.
Waiver for Economics
(I) ABU accepts Arabic
(ii) PHC and ILORIN require Economics, Mathematics either Government or Geography or History.
(iii) OAU requires Mathematics, Economics and Geography or Government.
(iv) IBADAN – Mathematics and any other two subjects
(v) OOU -Mathematics and any one of Economics, Geography, Government, History and Literature in English
(vi) ABU, JOS, MAIDUGURI, PHC, EKSU and ESUTECH – Mathematics is not compulsory
(vii) IMSU – same as Marketing
(viii) ILORIN requires one subject from Accounting, Commerce, Business Method, Geography Government and Statistics.
(ix) AAU and BAYERO require any Social Science subject as the third subject.
(x) DELSU requires Social/Science subject as the fourth subject.
(xi) EBSU and BENIN requires Mathematics, Economics and any other subject.
(xii) BINGHAM also requires Geography and Accounting.
(xiii) CUAB and AAUA require Mathematics, Economics and any other Social Science subject
(xiv) SALEM and EKSU require Mathematics, Economics and one other Social Science subject.
(xv) LAGOS requires Economics, Mathematics and any Arts, Science or Social Science subject but not Commerce, CRK/IRK.
(xvi) AUN Accepts any subject combination which includes Mathematics and any two of Environmental Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Literature in English, Government, History, Economics, Geography, Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Visual Arts, Computer Studies, Information Technology, Civics, and French.
(xvii) ABSU requires Five SSCE credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any two subjects.
(xviii) WESTERN-DEL requires Economics, Mathematics and any of Government, History, Geography, Literature in English.
(xix) FED-LAFIA, DELSU requires Mathematics, Economics and Government.
(xx) NTNU accepts Principle of Accounting or Commerce in lieu of Economics.
(xxi) FUNAAB requires one of Government, Commerce or Geography as the third subject.
(xxii) FED-OYEEKITI requires Mathematics, Economics and other Social Science or Arts subject.
(xxiii) SALEM for Criminology requires Government and any two of Economics, Geography and Literature in English.
(xxiv) UMUDIKE and NTNU – Same as in Accounting.
(xxv) OOU accepts Mathematics/Economics and any two other Social Science subjects.
(xxvi) ABUJA requires Economic, Mathematics, and any other subject in Social & Management Sciences
Accountancy, Business Administration, Public Administration, Marketing
- Mathematics
- Use of English
- Economics
- and any other Social Science subject
Banking and Finance
- Mathematics
- Use of English
- one Social Science subject
- and any other subject