National Population Commission And Its Functions

The National Population Commission is an independent and autonomous body not to be subjected to the direction or control of any other authority or person in its functions.
According to the Act that established the commission, the National Population Commission is an independent and autonomous body saddled with the responsibility to conduct regular censuses and provide for the composition of the Commission, tenure of office of members, and other related matters.
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- Undertake the enumeration of the population of Nigeria periodically through censuses, sample surveys, or otherwise.
- Establish and maintain a machinery for continuous and universal registration of births and deaths throughout the Federation.
- Prepare and maintain a national framework, including locality list and house numbering, for the delineation exercise for census and sample surveys in each local government area in Nigeria;
- Collect, collate, and publish data on migration statistics.
- Research and monitor the national population policy and set up a national population information data bank
- Arrange for the appointment and training of enumerators and all other categories of staff of the Commission;
- Provide information and data on the population for purposes of facilitating national planning and economic development;
- Advise the President on population matters.
- Disseminate information and educate the general public about the functions of the Commission under this Act.