Agriculture is the production of food and other goods by systematic and controlled growing of plants and other living organisms.
It is a multidisciplinary field which consists of a variety of scientific, technical, and business subjects that promote the efficient production of quality food on the farm and in the agricultural food industry linked to farming.
Agricultural scientists study farm crops and animals, and they develop ways of improving their quantity and quality. They look for ways to improve crop yield, and control pests and weeds effectively. They also conserve soil and water.
Course list
- Agriculture
- Agricultural Administration
- Agriculture and Development Extension
- Agricultural Business and Financial Management
- Agricultural Co-operative
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Economics & Extension
- Agricultural Economics & Farm Management
- Agricultural Economics & Management Studies
- Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology
- Agricultural Extension Services
- Agricultural Extension & Rural Development
- Agriculture and Fisheries Management
- Meteorology & Water Management
- Agronomy
- Animal Breeding and Genetics
- Animal Physiology
- Animal Production
- Animal Production & Health Service
- Animal Production with Nutrition
- Animal Science
- Animal Science and Production
- Animal Science/Nutrition
- Animal Science and Range Management
- Biotechnology
- Crop Production
- Crop Protection
- Crop Science
- Crop, Soil & Environmental
- Eco-Tourism and Wildlife Management
- Environmental Management and Tech.
- Family, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences
- Farm Management & Agric. Extension
- Fisheries
- Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Fisheries and Wildlife Management
- Food Science & Technology
- Food Science with Business
- Food Services and Tourism
- Forestry & Environmental Management
- Forestry/Forest Resources Management
- Forestry and Fisheries
- Forestry & Wildlife
- Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries
- Forestry & Wood Technology
- Home Economics
- Home Science, Nutrition and Dietetics
- Home Science & Management
- Horticulture
- Hotel Management & Tourism
- Livestock Production Technology
- Nutrition & Dietetics
- Pasture & Range Management
- Plant Breeding and Seed Technology
- Plant Science
- Plant Science and Biotechnology
- Plant Science and Crop Production
- Plant Physiology and Crop Ecology
- Plant Physiology and Crop Production
- Soil Science
- Soil Science and Land Management
- Soil Science and Environmental Management
Admission Requirements
- Agriculture
Science, Chemistry and any one of Mathematics, Physics, Geography and Economics.
- Fisheries management
O’level: Five (5) SSC credit passes in Biology/Agricultural Science, Chemistry, Mathematics and English plus any other Science subject.
JAMB subject combination: English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and any other Science subject.
- Agricultural Economics
O’level: Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and one of Geography, Physics and Economics.
UTME subject combination: English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and Mathematics or Physics.
- Agricultural Economics and Extension
O’level: Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and one of Geography, Physics and Economics.
JAMB subject combination: English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science plus Mathematics or Physics.
- Crop Production
O’level: Five (5) SSC credit passes to include Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science Mathematics and one Science/Social Science subject and at least ‘O’ level pass in Physics.
JAMB comb: Same as AEE
- Soil Science
O’level: Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and any other Science subject.
UTME comb: Same as AEE
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