Top 30 Ranked Colleges of Education in Nigeria

The ranking of the colleges of education in Nigeria was selected from the ranking of all tertiary institutions in Nigeria in 2024 using Webometrics. Based on their ranking factors, including Presence Rank, Impact Rank, Openness Rank, and Excellence Rank, Adeyemi College of Education came first among all the Colleges of Education in Nigeria and 97th among all the tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
The list includes the schools’ websites, and their position among other tertiary institutions ranked by Webometrics is placed after the school’s name. The link to each school will help prospective applicants get more information about the admission requirements of the school, NCE courses, and other vital information.
- Adeyemi College of Education Ondo
- Adamu Augie College of Education Argungu
- Kwara State College of Education Ilorin
- Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education
- Federal College of Education Obudu
- Nwafor Orizu College of Education Nsugbe
- Emmanuel Alayande College of Education Oyo
- Federal College of Education Eha Amufu
- Michael Otedola College of Primary Education
- Federal College of Education Technical Zuba
- Federal College of Education Abeokuta
- Federal College of Education Technical Gusau
- College of Education Ikere Ekiti
- Federal College of Education Technical Asaba
- Federal College of Education Kano
- Federal College of Education Zaria
- Ekiti State University Emmanuel Alayande College of Education Oyo
- Federal College of Education Akoka
- College of Education Akwanga
- College of Education Agbor
- St Augustine College of Education
- Federal College of Education Technical Omoku
- Federal College of Education Pankshin
- Federal College of Education Yola
- Federal College of Education Technical Bichi
- College of Education Jalingo
- Umar Suleiman College of Education
- Federal College of Education Katsina
- College of Education Nsukka
- Angel Crown College of Education