How to gain admission into Federal University of Technology Akure

FUTA is a technology school and has a vision to be a world class University of Technology and a centre of excellence in training, research and service delivery.
The school is known for merit which means if you prepare well you will be offer an admission.
The school has 10 academic schools namely:
1. School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology
Agricultural Extension & Communication Technology, Agricultural & Resource Economics , Animal Production & Health, Crop, Soil & Pest Management, Fisheries & Aquaculture Technology, Ecotourism & Wildlife Management, Forestry & Wood Technology and Food Science & Technology.
2. School of Engineering & Engineering Technology
Agricultural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering and Mining Engineering.
3. School of Earth & Mineral Sciences
Applied Geophysics, Applied Geology, Metereology, Marine Science & Technology and Remote Sensing & Geoscience Information Systems.
4. School of Environmental Technology
Architecture, Building Technology, Estate Management, Industrial Design, Quantity Surveying , Urban & Regional Planning, Surveying and Geoinformatics.
5. School of Management Technology
Project Management Technology, Transport Management Technology, Library Management Technology and Entrepreneurship Management Technology.
6. School of Sciences
Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, General Studies, Mathematical Sciences, Microbiology, Physics and Statistics.
Download free post-UTME past questions and read tips on how to pass post-UTME
FUTA is so dear to my heart because it was the university that ended my admission woe. I finished secondary school in the year 2002 and because of admission difficulty in Nigeria I stayed extra three years at home before I finally secured admission into FUTA in 2005. FUTA was the university that saved me through years of seeking admission. I can attest to the fact that FUTA admission is very transparent and on merit.
I will like to discuss some of the courses offered in Federal University of Technology Akure.
Read: FUTA cut off mark
Electrical /Electronic, Mechanical, Civil, Agricultural Engineering
UTME subject: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
O/level result: (Agricultural Engineering) FUTA requires five SSCE credit passes English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. To be eligible for admission, candidates must have a minimum of credit pass in the General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level), or West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) or NECO or its equivalent at NOT more than two (2) sittings in five (5) subjects: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics English Language and any other science subject.
O/level result:(Civil Engineering): FUTA requires five SSCE credit passes or its equivalent at NOT more than two (2) sittings in five (5) subjects: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics English Language and any other science subject.
O/level result: (Electrical/Electronics): FUTA requires at least five credit passes in subjects which include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry at NOT more than two (2) sittings.
UTME subject: FUTA requires Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and Mathematics/Physics.
O/level result: FUTA requires five ‘O’ Level credit passes at a maximum of two sittings, which must include: English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural science.
Direct entry: FUTA accepts ND at Upper Credit level in Relevant disciplines in addition to the ‘O’ level requirements.
Computer science
UTME subject: FUTA require Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
O/level result: FUTA requires Five ‘O’ level credits in NOT more than TWO sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry plus one other Science subject.
Direct entry: FUTA accepts:
(a) Two ‘A’ Level passes in Science subjects including Mathematics and Physics
(b) National Diploma in Computer Science with at least an Upper Credit.
(c) NCE in Computer Science/Maths, Computer Science/Physics, Maths/Physics with at least Credit Pass in both.
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UTME subject: FUTA – requires Mathematics, Physics and one of Chemistry, Geography and Technical Drawing.
O/level: FUTA requires five credit passes at the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) or NECO or GCE O/L or its equivalent at NOT more than two sittings in the following subjects: English Language, Mathematics and Physics; and two credits from Technical Drawing, Chemistry, Geography, Fine Arts and Economics. Candidates must have at least a pass in Chemistry.
Direct entry: FUTA accepts (ND) in Architecture or related disciplines with Upper Credit level pass, from NBTE accredited institutions may be considered for admission for Direct Entry provided they meet the minimum entry requirements.
A good WASSCE/GCE/NECO results will be of advantage. During my own time, my O’level and JAMB score were only considered for admission. It was my O’level result that helped me because I had good result which give me good point to secure admission into FUTA.
You need to score relatively high in UTME. I do advise students to aim at scoring above 250 for you to have good standing.
Direct Entry: Upper credit or distinction is required for DE students. I will advise students in this category to target distinction for them to stand a better chance.
Lastly, FUTA Post UTME is CBT, you should prepare well because it will be part of what FUTA will use for admission.
The suggestion above is MY OPINION.
You can also visit the website of FUTA for more information or go to the school.