Inappropriate Use of Technology Contributes To UTME And WASSCE Failure Rate

The world is changing rapidly thanks to technological advancements. Technological improvements in education have made life easier for students. However, some students don’t know how to use this to their advantage. Even as a tutor, I use Google to search for relevant materials online to give me a better understanding of some topics. Also, I watch YouTube videos to assist my learning. However, we see today among students the wrong use of these channels.
Sometimes, I ask students about the essence of their smartphones and whether the only thing they use them for is to take selfies and watch celebrity gist on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Technology has made it possible to travel around the world while you are still in your room. You can share knowledge and exchange ideas at any point in time with anyone, anywhere. So, this means the avenue to learn anything is at the tip of your hands. And this is one of the reasons why Google exists. Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and helpful. This search engine allows you to access a broad range of information from diverse sources. With an internet connection on phones, some people see it as a library.
Despite all these opportunities provided through technological advancement, Nigeria’s quality of education is reduced. I said this because of the failure rate in JAMB and the decrease in WASSCE performance. For example, the 2024 UTME performance shows that 78% scored below 200. Out of the 1.8 million results released, 1.4 million candidates scored below 200. This failure rate is alarming as it shows that 78% of candidates can’t score an average score in the exam. This does not look good in our education system.
When I meditated on this failure rate, I discovered that the inappropriate use of technology was the cause. Nigerian students are engrossed in what doesn’t add value to them but rather in self-gratification. I think the current shift, where everyone wants to post on TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, etc., to get known or earn, has made most students shift focus. Also, most are wrongly influenced by bad influencers on social media, which makes many lose interest in schooling and results in the popular saying, “School is a scam.” Everything in life has its place and time. Your priority as a student is to succeed, which entails using all available tools to achieve it.
If you have a smartphone, see it as a tool to access the world’s most extensive library and to upskill. It is expected to hear something like, “My teachers are not good.” Even if this is true, more than one thousand teachers online can teach you the subjects you find difficult to understand. However, your failure to explore those channels keeps you from being in a better fashion of yourself academically. You must realize that many teachers and students use social media as an essential part of learning. The reason is that it has become an important avenue for exchanging information about crucial topics these days. This means an appropriate use of this tool will help you succeed academically.
Students need orientation on using technology to better their lives. Also, seminars should be organized for students every term on using this tool to enhance their learning. These seminars should teach them how to: search for materials online, make use of online forums, etc.