
Popular Participation And Types In Civic Education

In this article, I will discuss the meaning of popular participation, its types, and the reasons for it. The citizens in a state or country ought to show interest in the affairs and decision-making of the state. This way, one is performing his or her civic responsibilities.

Popular participation can be defined as follows:

popular participation refers to the active involvement of citizens in the socio-political activities of a country.

It is a process of involving the citizens in the governance of their country and in deciding important socio-cultural, political, and economic matters.

Popular participation also refers to the procedure of involving a majority of the citizens of a country in the decision-making processes, especially on issues that affect the welfare of the generality of populace.

Read: Problems of civil society in civic education


Registering as a Political Party Member: Being a card-carrying member of a political party is a way of involving in the political landscape of a country.

Voting in an Election: This is one of the civic responsibilities of every citizen. It entails individual voting for those who will govern them.

Protest and Demonstration against Government Policy: Every citizen has a right to peaceful protest especially when the policy made by the government is against the well-being of the country. It is a way of showing dissatisfaction with the government.

Supporting Political Party:  Every citizen has a right to support any political party of their choice. This is a way involving in presenting those who are eligible to govern the country.

Holding of Public Office: This will give further opportunity to an individual in decision-making processes, especially on issues that affect the welfare of the generality of the populace


  1. Promote political awareness and education.
  2. Foster political stability.
  3. Promote self-fulfillment/satisfaction.
  4. Enhance development.
  5. Institutionalize responsive and responsible government.
  6. Promote popular consciousness.
  7. Create greater opportunities for citizens.
  8. Enhance the confidence of the people to hold the government accountable.
  9. Improve the quality of governance.
  10. Influence the direction of government policies.
  11. Ensure the legitimacy of government.
  12. Enhance collective effort in the development of the political system.
  13. Promote a sense of belonging among the people.
  14. Carry everybody along in the process of development.
  15. Ensure equity in the allocation of societal resources.
  16. Enable people to gain socio-economic and political power.

Bolarinwa Olajire

A tutor with a demonstrated history of working in the education industry. Skilled in analytical skills. Strong education professional with a M. SC focused in condensed matter. You can follow me on Twitter by clicking on the icon below to ask questions.

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