Tag: University of Lagos (UNILAG)

  • UNILAG Postgraduate Form For Admission 2024/2025

    UNILAG Postgraduate Form For Admission 2024/2025

    The UNILAG Postgraduate Form for 2024/2025 academic session is out for all candidates who are interested in applying to the school.

    The sale of application form commences on 26th February and ends on 30th August, 2024. All completed forms should be submitted online.

    UNILAG Postgraduate Programmes

    • Postgraduate Diploma Programmes (PGD)
    • Masters Degree Programmes (i.e. M.Sc, M.Ed, M.A, LL.M, etc.)
    • Professional Masters Degree Programmes (i.e. MBA, MLD, MLR, MPH, MOSS, MPIA, MPA, MGIS, MSEM, MRPP, MDF, MHOM, MPE, MDM, MTTFL, etc.)
    • Masters of Philosophy (M.Phil) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programmes

    There is flexibility in the mode of study with Full-Time, Part-Time, Executive and Sandwich options as applicable.

    Read before applying: UNILAG PG Courses and Requirements

    How to apply for UNILAG Postgraduate Admission

    Guides on how to apply for UNILAG postgraduate form are given below:

    1. Completed Application forms are to be submitted online not later than 13th September, 2024
    2. Visit the School of Postgraduate Studies University of Lagos portal http://spgs.unilag.edu.ng/, Click the 2024/2025 Application link
    3. Confirm availability and your eligibility of the desired course
    4. Complete the “Application Form” link and select the postgraduate option from the Application Type menu
    5. Proceed to make payment of the sum of N30,000 (Thirty Thousand Naira Only) for the form and charges through any of the below options:
      • A Remita payment: Any commercial bank using the RRR number displayed on the payment advice
      • B Online payment: Click the Paynow link to make payment directly on the portal with your bank debit card
    6. After payment, return to the School of Postgraduate Studies website http://spgs.unilag.edu.ng/ 
    7. Application link, then “Continue Application” link, login with Payment Reference Number and provide surname in lowercase as password
    8. Complete the Application form and upload digital passport photograph (jpeg format) which should not be more than 15KB in size and must be on a white background. The acceptable dimension is width: 275 pixels or 35mm, height: 314 pixels or 40mm. (Failure to comply with specified image format may lead to disqualification)
    10. After submission, applicants will be required to print and laminate the ‘Examination Pass” one week to the entrance examination date (this will be required as a means of identification at the examination venue)

    UNILAG Postgraduate Entrance Exam Date

    UNILAG School of Postgraduate Studies (SPGS) qualifying examination has not been fixed. It will be online based.

    DISCLAIMER: UNILAG SPGS advises candidates strongly not to patronize any third party agent, business centre, blogger, weblink or website on the online examination. None is engaged in the exercise.

    UNILAG PG Applicants should note the following

    • Candidates are advised to read carefully the requirements for their desire programmes to confirm eligibility
    • Candidates awaiting Bachelor’s degree results and Nigerian citizens who have not completed the National Youth Service Corps assignments or are currently undergoing Postgraduate programmes are not eligible
    • Holders of Degrees obtained from Outreach/Satellite campuses are not eligible
    • Every applicant is required to upload all certificates listed in the application form, such as: Degree Certificates (Not statement of Results), NYSC Certificate, Professional Certificates
    • All Academic Transcripts must reach the Secretary, School of Postgraduate Studies on or before the beginning of registration
    • All M.Phil/Ph.D. candidates are required to contact the relevant Departments for availability of Supervisors/vacancies before applying
    • Entrance/Qualifying Examinations are scheduled for the week of 23rd to 28th September, 2024.
  • UNILAG Admission Cut Off Mark 2024/2025 Screening

    The University of Lagos has released the UNILAG cut-off mark for the 2024/2025 academic session for courses offered in the school. Kindly note that the UNILAG UTME minimum score is 200 for all programmes in the school. You need this score to be eligible to participate in the school Post UTME screening exercise.

    The departmental admission cut-off mark is grouped into Merit and Catchment areas (Ekiti, Lagos, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Oyo).

    There are steps taken before the management arrives at the mark to admit candidates into different courses offered in the school. To know about the steps, click on UNILAG Grading System

    Departmental Benchmark

    Adult Education62.95 
    Education Economics63.875 
    Education Business67.65 
    Education IRS53.25 
    Education IgboNIL 
    Education English68.7 
    Education Early Childhood63.15 
    Education Yoruba58.55 
    Education French56.325 
    Education History65.5 
    Education CRS66.775 
    Education GeographyNIL 
    Educational Administration66.6 
    Educational Foundations67.8 
    Special Education55.025 
     Health Education62.175 
    Human Kinetics61.525 
    Education Biology58.65 
    Education Chemistry49.025 
    Education Home Economics52.575 
    Education Integrated Science58.7 
    Education Mathematics61.175 
    Education Physics56.7 
    Education Technology64.575 
    BANKING & FINANCE70.425 
    BUSINESS ADMIN.70.825 
    SOCIAL WORK68.975 
  • UNILAG Courses and Admission Requirements

    UNILAG Courses and Admission Requirements

    It is a fact that University of Lagos is one of the most preferred Universities and one of the oldest Universities in Nigeria. But what type of courses can you study in the school? We have compiled the list of all the available UNILAG courses offered in the school and their respective requirements.

    Recommended: How to gain admission into University of Lagos


    Below is the list of all the courses offered in the University of Lagos (UNILAG)

    • Medicine and Surgery
    • Medical and Laboratory Science
    • Pharmacology
    • Physiology
    • Physiotherapy
    • Nursing
    • Dentistry
    • Radiography
    • Sociology
    • Psychology
    • Social Work
    • Political Science
    • Mass Communication
    • Geography
    • Economics
    • Botany
    • Biochemistry
    • Chemistry
    • Cell Biology and Genetics
    • Microbiology
    • Zoology
    • Marine Biology
    • Fisheries
    • Geology
    • Geophysics
    • Physics
    • Mathematics
    • Computer Science
    • Building
    • Architecture
    • Estate Management
    • Urban and Regional Planning
    • Quantity Surveying
    • Systems Engineering
    • Computer Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
    • Surveying and Geo-informatics Engineering
    • Petroleum and Gas Engineering
    • Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    • Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    • Civil and Environmental Engineering
    • Education Business
    •  Education Economics
    • Adult Education
    •  Education English
    • Education Yoruba
    • Education Igbo
    • Education French
    • Education Biology
    • Education Mathematics
    • Education Geography
    • Education Chemistry
    • Education Physics
    • Education History
    • Education Technology
    • Education Home Economics
    • Education Early Childhood
    • Education Integrated Science
    • Educational Foundations
    •  Educational Administration
    • Education Islamic Religious Studies
    • Education Christian Religious Studies
    • Human Kinetics and Health Education
    • English Language
    • Linguistic Yoruba
    • Linguistic Igbo
    • Russian
    • French
    • Chinese
    • Creative Arts
    • Philosophy
    • History and Strategic Studies
    •  Actuarial Science
    • Accounting
    • Business Administration
    •  Industrial Relations & Personnel Management
    • Insurance
    • Finance

    Admission Requirements   

    • Only candidates who made UNILAG their first choice in UTME exam and scored a minimum of 200 and above are eligible for the UNILAG screening. However, candidates must have 5 credit passes at one sitting (Two sittings are not allowed) in the relevant O’level subjects.
    • Candidates who will not be up to 16 years by the 31st of October by every admission calendar are not eligible and should not bother to apply for admission

    Recommended: UNILAG Grading System

  • UNILAG Postgraduate Courses And Admission Requirements

    UNILAG Postgraduate Courses And Admission Requirements

    This article list all the Postgraduate courses offered in the University of Lagos (UNILAG) and their general admission requirements. All applicants seeking postgraduate admissiion into the school should check the courses below before applying to University of Lagos.

    unilag logo: unilag post utme

    UNILAG Masters Courses

    The list below comprises of the UNILAG Masters degree courses offered in the school

    1. Master of Business Administration (MBA) (F/T, P/T & Executive)
    2. Master of Science in Actuarial Science (F/T & P/T)
    3. Master of Science in Risk Management & Insurance (F/T & P/T)
    4. Master of Risk Management (P/T)
    5. Master of Science in Management (F/T & P/T)
    6. Master of Science in Marketing (F/T & P/T)
    7. Master of Science in Operations Research (F/T & P/T)
    8. Master of Science in Organisational Behaviour (F/T & P/T)
    9. Master of Science in Production/Operations Management (F/T& P/T)
    10. Master of Science in Finance (F/T & P/T)
    11. Master of Development Finance (P/T)
    12. Master of Industrial & Labour Relation (MILR) (P/T)
    13. Master of Science in Industrial Relations & Personnel Management (F/T)
    14. Master of Employment & Labour Studies (F/T & P/T)
    15. Master of Science in Geography & Planning (F/T)
    16. Master of Geographic Information System (MGIS) (P/T)
    17. Master of Transportation Planning & Management (P/T)
    18. Master of Disaster Management (P/T)
    19. Master of Science in Economics (F/T & P/T)
    20. Master of Science in Public Health (F/T & P/T)
    21. Master of Public Health (MPH) (F/T)
    22. Master of Law (F/T & P/T)
    23. Master of International Law & Diplomacy (MILD), (P/T)
    24. Master of Education in Educational Admin & Planning (F/T & P/T)
    25. Master of Science in Mass Communications (F/T & P/T)
    26. Master of Public & International Affairs (MPIA), (P/T)
    27. Master of Science in Political Science (F/T)
    28. Master of Public Administration (MPA), (P/T)
    29. Master of Science in Psychology (F/T)
    30. Master of Managerial Psychology (P/T)
    31. Master of Science in Sociology (F/T & P/T)
    32. Master of Criminology (F/T & P/T)
    33. Master of Environmental Management (MEM), (P/T)
    34. Master of Information Technology (MIT) (P/T)
    35. Master of Natural Resource Management (P/T)
    36. Master of Science in Botany (F/T)
    37. Master of Science in Cell Biology & Genetics (F/T)
    38. Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry (F/T)
    39. Master of Science in Chemistry (F/T)
    40. Master of Science in Environmental Chemistry (F/T)
    41. Master of Applied Geophysics (P/T)
    42. Master of Science in Geophysics (F/T)
    43. Master of Science in Mathematics (Applied Option) (F/T & P/T)
    44. Master of Science in Mathematics (Pure Option) (F/T & P/T)
    45. Master of Science in Statistics (F/T & P/T)
    46. Master of Science in Microbiology (F/T)
    47. Master of Science in Physics (F/T)
    48. Master of Aquatic Resource & Pollution Management (P/T)
    49. Master of Science in Fisheries (Aquaculture) (F/T)
    50. Master of Science in Fisheries Biology & Management (F/T)
    51. Master of Science in Marine Biology (F/T)
    52. Master of Science in Marine Pollution & Management (F/T)
    53. Master of Science in Applied Entomology & Pest Management (F/T)
    54. Master of Science in Environmental Toxicology & Pollution Mgt (F/T)
    55. Master of Science in Natural Resources Conservation (F/T)
    56. Master of Science in Parasitology & Bioinformatics (F/T)
    57. Master of Science in Computer Science (F/T)
    58. Master of Science in Anatomy (F/T)
    59. Master of Science in Biochemistry (F/T)
    60. Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (F/T)
    61. Master of Science in Clinical Pathology (F/T)
    62. Master of Science in Clinical Pharmacy (F/T)
    63. Master of Science in Haematology & Blood Transfusion (F/T)
    64. Master of Science in Medical Microbiology (F/T)
    65. Master of Science in Medical Parasitology (F/T)
    66. Master of Science in Pharmaceutics & Pharm. Microbiology (F/T)
    67. Master of Science in Pharmaceutics & Pharm. Technology (F/T)
    68. Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (F/T)
    69. Master of Science in Pharmacognosy (F/T)
    70. Master of Science in Pharmacology (F/T)
    71. Master of Science in Physiology (F/T)
    72. Master of Science in Physiotherapy (F/T)
    73. Master of Science in Medical Physics (F/T)
    74. Master of Science in Clinical Chemistry & Molecular Diagnosis
    75. Master Degree in Molecular Diagnosis
    76. Master of Education in Adult Education Management (F/T)
    77. Master of Education in Community Development & Social Work(F/T)
    78. Master of Education in Manpower Training & Development (F/T & Sandwich)
    79. Master of Education in Business Education (F/T & Sandwich)
    80. Master of Education in Curriculum Theory (F/T)
    81. Master of Education in Igbo Education (F/T)
    82. Master of Education in Early Childhood Education (F/T& Sandwich)
    83. Master of Education in Economics Education (F/T & Sandwich)
    84. Master of Education in English Education (F/T & Sandwich)
    85. Master of Education in French Education (F/T)
    86. Master of Education in Geography Education (F/T)
    87. Master of Education in History (F/T)
    88. Master of Education in Religion Education (CRS) (F/T)
    89. Master of Education in Religion Education (IRS) (F/T)
    90. Master of Education in Social Studies (F/T)
    91. Master of Education in Yoruba Education (F/T)
    92. Master of Education in Comparative Education (F/T)
    93. Master of Education in Educational Psychology (F/T & Sandwich)
    94. Master of Education in Guidance & Counselling (F/T & Sandwich)
    95. Master of Education in Measurement & Evaluation (F/T & Sandwich)
    96. Master of Education in Philosophy of Education (F/T)
    97. Master of Education in Sociology of Education (F/T)
    98. Master of Science (Education) in Exercise Physiology (F/T)
    99. Master of Science (Education) in Health Education (F/T & Sandwich)
    100. Master of Science (Education) in Sports Administration/Mgt. (F/T)
    101. Master of Science (Education) in Sports Psychology (F/T)
    102. Master of Education in Biology Education (F/T)
    103. Master of Education in Chemistry Education (F/T & Sandwich)
    104. Master of Education in Mathematics Education (F/T)
    105. Master of Education in Physics Education (F/T)
    106. Master of Science in Accounting (F/T & P/T)
    107. Master of Research & Public Policy (MRPP), (F/T)
    108. Master of Security & Intelligence Studies (MSIS), (P/T)
    109. Master of International Relations & Strategic Studies (MISS), (P/T)
    110. Master of Process Engineering (P/T)
    111. Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (F/T)
    112. Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Communications Option) (F/T & P/T)
    113. Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Control Option) (F/T)
    114. Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Electrical Power Option) (F/T & P/T)
    115. Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Electronics Option) (F/T & P/T)
    116. Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (F/T)
    117. Master of Science in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (F/T)
    118. Master of Geoinformatics Information Technology (MGIT), (F/T)
    119. Master of Science in Surveying & Geoinformatics (F/T)
    120. Master of Science in Civil & Environmental Engineering (F/T & P/T)
    121. Master of Science in Systems Engineering (F/T)
    122. Master of Engineering Systems Management (MESM), (P/T)
    123. Master of Architecture (M.Arch)
    124. Master of Environmental Design (F/T)
    125. Master of Landscape Architecture (P/T)
    126. Master of Urban Design (P/T)
    127. Master in Project Management (P/T)
    128. Master of Science in Construction Management (F/T)
    129. Master of Science in Construction Technology (F/T)
    130. Master of Science in Estate Management (F/T)
    131. Master in Facilities Management (P/T)
    132. Master of Housing Development & Management (P/T)
    133. Master of Science in Quantity Surveying (F/T)
    134. Master in Urban & Regional Planning (P/T)
    135. Master of Science in Urban & Regional Planning (F/T)
    136. Master of Conflict Management (P/T)
    137. Master of Dispute Resolution (P/T)
    138. Master of Legal Studies (P/T)
    139. Master of Arts in Music (F/T)
    140. Master of Arts in Theatre Arts (F/T)
    141. Master of Arts in Visual Arts (F/T)
    142. Master of Art in English Language (F/T & P/T)
    143. Master of Art in English Literature (F/T & P/T)
    144. Master of Arts in French (F/T)
    145. Master of Arts in Teaching of French as a Foreign Language (P/T)
    146. Master in Diplomacy & Strategic Studies (MDSS), (P/T)
    147. Master of Arts in History & Strategic Studies (F/T)
    148. Master of Art in Igbo (Language Option) (F/T)
    149. Master of Art in Igbo (Literature Option) (F/T)
    150. Master of Art in Yoruba (Language Option) (F/T)
    151. Master of Art in Yoruba (Literature Option) (F/T)
    152. Master of Art in Philosophy (F/T)
    153. Master of Professional Ethics (P/T)


    UNILAG PGD Courses

    1. PGD in Risk Management (P/T)
    2. PGD in Finance (P/T)
    3. PGD in Economics (P/T)
    4. PGD in Education (F/T & P/T)
    5. PGD in Educational Admin & Planning (P/T)
    6. PGD in Mass Communications (F/T & P/T)
    7. PGD in Psychology (F/T)
    8. PGD in Computer Science (P/T)
    9. PGD in Cell Biology & Genetics (Forensic Biology) (F/T)
    10. PGD in Cell Biology & Genetics (Genetic Counseling) (F/T)
    11. PGD in Mathematics (P/T)
    12. PGD in Statistics (P/T)
    13. PGD in Molecular Diagnosis
    14. PGD in Health Logistics & Supply Chain Management
    15. PGD in Applied Geophysics (P/T)
    16. PGD in Anaesthesia (F/T)
    17. PGD in Biomedical Engineering (P/T)
    18. PGD in Guidance & Counselling (P/T)
    19. PGD in Chemical Engineering (P/T)
    20. PGD in Philosophy (P/T)
    21. PGD in Metallurgical & Materials Science (P/T)
    22. PGD in Surveying & Geo-informatics (F/T)
    23. PGD in Civil & Environmental Engineering (P/T)
    24. PGD in Music (F/T)
    25. PGD in Theatre Arts (F/T)
    26. PGD in Visual Arts (F/T)
    27. PGD in Maritime Communications & Navigation (P/T)
    28. PGD in Maritime Environmental Studies (P/T)
    29. PGD in Maritime Administration & Management (P/T)
    30. PGD in Environmental Design (P/T)
    31. PGD in English Language (P/T)


    UNILAG Postgraduate General Admission Requirements

    An applicant for admission to a programme shall be:

    1. Must possess a Bachelors’s degree of this University or any approved University;
    2. A person who holds other qualification(s) recognized by senate of the University of Lagos;
    3. In addition to (1) and (2) above, an applicant may be required, as a condition for admission, to undergo a selection process in the form of written and/or oral examinations.


    General Requirements

    Masters of Philosophy (M.Phil)

    To qualify for admission to the above programme:

    • Candidates must possess a Bachelor’s honours degree from this University or any other approved University with at least a Second Class (Upper Division).
    • Candidates with a Master’s degree with a minimum of CGPA of at least 3.50.
    • All candidates to the M.Phil. programmes must contact the respective department for availability of supervisors before applying.
    • The candidate may be required to undergo a selection process as determined by the respective department.

    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)

    • A candidate who has obtained the degree of Master of Philosophy must have a minimum CGPA of 4.0.
    • A candidate who has obtained the degree of Masters of Science must have a minimum CGPA of 4.0.
    • Candidates must clear with the respective Departments as to the availability of vacancies/supervisors before applying.
    • All candidates may be required to undergo a selection process as may be determined by the department.

    Related Article: Application guidlines for UNILAG PG admission

  • UNILAG Grading System | How To Calculate Aggregrate Score

    UNILAG grading system for undergraduate admission has been one thing many students who are seeking admission into the school want to know about. Not only this, fresh students are also curious to know the school grade points and how to calculate Grade Point Aggregate (GPA).

    This article is written to answer all the above issues in a way to get prospective students and freshers to know more about the school.

    Before I go to the major aim of the article, I would like to provide you with some information about the University Of Lagos. UNILAG was established in 1962 and presently has 12 faculties which include Arts, Basic Medical Sciences, Clinical Sciences, Engineering, Law, Pharmacy, Social Sciences, Science, Environmental Sciences, Education, Dental Sciences, and Business Administration.

    The University of Lagos is one of the best Universities in Nigeria and also one of the most preferred schools in Nigeria.

    Now to the major aim of this post “UNILAG Grading System”. I will first discuss how to calculate your aggregate score for you to stand a chance of gaining admission into the school.

    Recommended: How to gain admission into University of Lagos

    Prospective Students

    Here I will be explaining to you how you can calculate your aggregate score. This will inform you where you stand in the UNILAG admission process.

    JAMB Score

    The JAMB score carries the majority of the percentage (50% ) and this goes a long way to determining whether a student will be offered admission or not.

    The 50% means = 400 scores in JAMB divided by 8 = 50. Now if you want to calculate yours, divide whatever you score in JAMB by 8.

    For instance, if you score 280 in JAMB, your grade point will be 280 divided by 8 = 35%


    This part takes 20% of the total aggregate score. Below is how UNILAG grade WAEC/NECO results of candidates

    • A1 – 4.0
    • B2 – 3.6
    • B3 – 3.2
    • C4 – 2.8
    • C5 – 2.4
    • C6 – 2.0

    This means if you have an A1 in Mathematics, B3 in English Language, B2 in Physics, B3 in Chemistry, and C4 in Biology, your total grade point for this will be (4 + 3.2 + 3.6 + 3.2 + 2.8 = 16.8%)

    The screening exercise (PUTME) carries 30% of the total point. UNILAG Post UTME is always on a grade 30. Let’s assume you have 20 out of the 30, this will make it 20%.

    Your total aggregate will then be JAMB score (35%) + WAEC/NECO/GCE grade (16.8%) + Post UTME Grade (20%) = 71.8%

    Note: Candidate Must Score a MINIMUM OF (12/30) in Post-UTME and score 200 and above in JAMB to be considered for admission.

    This part will not be concluded until I include the UNILAG cut-off mark for admission. This will help you to know where you stand after you have known your aggregate score.

    For example, many students want to study medicine and surgery and let’s assume the aggregate score we calculated earlier is for a student who wants to study medicine and surgery in UNILAG.  UNILAG’s cut-off mark for medicine and surgery is 77.03 and the aggregate score for the student I calculated who wanted to study medicine and surgery is 71.0. This means this particular person’s name will not come out in the merit list although he might be considered later.

    You may like to read: UNILAG departmental cut-off mark for admission

    Undergraduate Students

    The grade point in UNILAG for undergraduate students is 5. Below is what the grading system looks like:

    • First Class Division: (70 – 100% with 5.00 – 4.50 CGPA)
    • Second Class Upper Division: (60 – 69% with 4.49 – 3.50 CGPA)
    • Second Class Lower Division: (55 – 59% with 3.49 – 2.40 CGPA)
    • Third Class Division: (45 – 49% with 2.39 – 1.50)

    From the classes of grade above, a student who desires a first class should aim at scoring 70 and above, especially in courses with 2, 3, and 4 units.

    You may also want to take a look at the new NUC grading system:

    The table belows is the NUC’s new approved Guidelines for Course Systems and Grade Point Average in Nigerian


    TABLE 1: Score and Grade Point (GP) for GPA/CGPA Calculation


















    Vary according toContact hours

    assigned to each

    course per week per

    semester and

    according to student


    70 – 10060 – 69

    50 – 59

    45 – 49

    0 – 44









    Derived bymultiplying (i)

    and (iv) and

    dividing by total

    Credit Units

    Derived bymultiplying (i)

    and (iv) and

    dividing by total

    Credit Units for


    registered till date

    Table 2: NUC Degree Classification based on CGPA

    Cumulative Grade PointAverage (CGPA) Class of Degree



    First Class2nd Class Upper

    2nd Class Lower

    Third Class

  • How to gain admission into University of Lagos

    How to gain admission into University of Lagos

    University of Lagos, UNILAG is known for providing a conducive environment for teaching, learning, research, and development where staff and students will interact and compete effectively with other counterparts globally.

    One interesting thing about UNILAG admission is that it is transparent and totally on merit. Gaining admission into the institution is not an easy job; hard work is required in order to be offered admission into your desired course.

    Because of the name the university has made for itself, the school has become everybody’s dream university in Nigeria. The first thing you have to do is to count the cost before you fill it in your JAMB form. If you desire to study in UNILAG you must be well prepared and have what it takes to secure admission into the school.

    Download free post-UTME past questions and read tips on how to pass post-UTME

    University of Lagos

    This is one of the institutions that students like to choose as their first choice to study Medicine and Surgery, Nursing, Pharmacy, Electrical engineering, Mechanical engineering, Civil engineering, etc. According to a statistic released by JAMB in 2012, UNILAG is the first preferred institution in Nigeria by JAMB applicants.

    Because of the reason above, it is important that your WASSCE/NECO/GCE results be relatively okay and you must have a good JAMB score.

    UNILAG Admission requirements for some courses

    Medicine and Surgery

    UTME subject: Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

    WASSEC result: Five SSCE credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

    Unilag accepts;

    (a) Very good passes in the following JUPEB/A-LEVEL subjects: Physics Chemistry and Biology.

    (b) B.Sc. Degree First Class/Second Class Upper in fields such as Physiology, Biochemistry, Physiotherapy, Ophthalmology, Pharmacology and Zoology.

    Electrical /Electronic, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical Engineering

    UTME subject: Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

    WASSEC result: Five SSCE credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and one science subject.


    Unilag requires the Five O’ Level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics and Lit. in English and one of Arts or Social Science subject.

    UTME subject: Unilag does not accept Music, Fine Arts, and Principles of Account and accepts either Economics or Commerce but not both. (Any three Arts or Social Science subjects)

    Unilag accepts:

    (a) very good passes in JUPEB/A-LEVEL subjects: Lit-in English two other subjects one or both from Arts or Social Science.

    (b) First Degree (second class upper division) or two ‘A’ level papers in any subject plus UTME requirements.


    Unilag accepts;

    (a) Very good passes in three (3) JUPEB/A-LEVEL subjects: Economics and any two (2) of Accounting, Geography, Further Mathematics, Government, Lit-in English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

    (b) At least two (2) Cambridge A/Level passes in Economics, and any one (1) of the following: Statistics, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Agric Science, Business Management, Mathematics, Accounting, History or Government.

    (c) Candidates must satisfy the O/Level requirement

    Unilag accepts Arts, Social Science and Science subjects in addition to Mathematics and Economics. Commerce is not accepted as O/L subject

    UTME subject: LAGOS requires Economics, Mathematics and any Arts, Science or Social Science subject but not Commerce, CRK/IRK.


    Unilag require ‘A’ level passes in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. LAGOS in addition candidates must have credit pass in Biology. In addition requires very good passes in the following JUPEB subjects: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, candidates must have credit pass in O/Level Biology

    WASSCE result: Unilag requires credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology

    UTME subject: Unilag require Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics

    Download all the UNILAG admission requirements here for all courses (pdf)


    “A level” point for admission into 200 level in UNILAG must at least between 13-16 points i.e your minimum cambridge A level grade must be BBB.

    Direct Entry: An upper credit or distinction is required for direct entry for OND/HND. I will advise students in this category to target distinction for them to have the upper hand.

    Visit the UNILAG admission portal for more details http://admissions.unilag.edu.ng/