Secondary Schools

Nigerian Navy Secondary Schools Admission Form 2025/2026

Nigerian Navy Secondary Schools application forms for admission into JSS1 in all Navy schools for 2025/2026 is now on sale. Access Cards are available in all Nigerian Navy Establishments and the fee for the card is N3,050.

Also the Nigerian Navy Military School Ikot Ntuen admission form is available. The price is N3,050. Please note that prospective candidates should not be less than 11 years and not more than 12 years by September 2025.

The closing date for the sale of forms for NNSS has not been specified because registration is still ongoing.

To apply,

  • Click on the Candidate Registration link by clicking on the Admissions Tab on the menu bar of
  • Candidates are to fill in the pin and serial numbers obtained from the scratch card to access their registration form.
  • Click on the Log In tab of the Menu Bar and enter your scratch card details. Click on Log in to access your form.
  • Start the registration by selecting and uploading the file containing your passport photograph, you will then be able to fill out your personal information, a secret question and its secret answer, your parent information as well as school information.
  • Note that all pictures must be in JPEG, JPG or GIF formats and must be less than 20kB in size.
  • Be sure to go over the completed the form for correctness before clicking on the submit button at the bottom of the page.
  • Upon this submission the form and your application is immediately sent to the navy entrance exam team with your registration number and your Exam Number now displayed on the page.
  • You are then to print the exam docket as proof of successful registration, the print button for the exam docket is at the bottom of the page. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on this button. Make sure to save this slip and always remember the answer to your secret question.
  • Also keep the phone number and email address of the Parent active for important information on your application may be posted through these.
  • You may log in at anytime using your pin and serial number e.g. for your Interview Exam Number if successful in the Entrance Exam

Read: How to check Nigerian Navy secondary schools result and admission list

To print the exam slip,

  • Log in using your pin and serial number, then click on the “Generate Docket” link.
  • If your exam number has been allocated by the Directorate of Naval Education, you will see the details displayed on this page.
  • Click on the Generate Docket button and your exam slip (Docket) will be generated.

You can buy the scratch card by visiting or walk into any of our designated outlets and ask to buy a Nigerian Navy Secondary Schools Admission Portal scratch card. Pay the fee of N2,500 and you will be issued a registration scratch a card. Gently scratch out the grey patch of the card to reveal your Serial number and your Personal Identification Number (PIN). Listed below are our scratch card sales outlets.

  • DNED

Read: Nigerian Navy Secondary School Fees

Bolarinwa Olajire

A tutor with a demonstrated history of working in the education industry. Skilled in analytical skills. Strong education professional with a M. SC focused in condensed matter. You can follow me on Twitter by clicking on the icon below to ask questions.

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