Tips From UNILAG Post UTME Past Questions

This article is to help candidates who are seeking for UNILAG Post UTME Past questions. The truth is most of the past questions online may not be the real questions University of Lagos has set in the past for candidates seeking admission into the school.
However, it is possible to know the type of topics you can expect during the screening, the number of questions, and other relevant information about the PUTME screening questions.
Below are the information I gathered from candidates that have written UNILAG PUTME in the past.
Based on UNILAG Post UTME Past questions, the questions will be based on Mathematics, English Language, and General paper. There would be 25 Mathematics questions, 20 English Language questions, and 5 General paper questions; that’s a total of 50 questions in all. All questions are to be answered within 30 minutes.
Read: UNILAG Grading System
English Language
Most questions from English Language came from Consonant sound, Vowel sound, Nearest in meaning, Opposite in meaning, Synonyms, adjective, Verbs
General paper
The questions from this part are majorly current affairs. Some of the question that came out last year include:
- Which country was formerly known as gold Coast
- Who is the present vice chancellor of unilag
- Who ruled as a military ruler the longest
- Which of this isn’t located in the southern Africa (a) South Africa (b) Gambia (c) Cape Verde (d) none of the above
- Know the Governors of each state, CBN governor
Majority of maths questions came from probability, permutation and combination, partial and impartial fractions, logarithm, mean, median, mode and range.
Download UNILAG PUTME Sample Questions
Note: Make sure you know the UNILAG subject combination in JAMB brochure for your course to be sure you have the O’level and UTME requirements.
One thing i am sure of is that if you 250+ in jamb, Bs and As in o level, and at least 15/20 in post utme, you will be offered admission.
Related Article: What to read and how to study for Post UTME