WAEC Syllabus For All Subjects Download PDF 2024/2025

WAEC Syllabus is available in pdf and it can downloaded by teachers who want to prepare their students to pass WAEC or GCE and by students who intend to write the WASSCE.
The syllabus conveys information about expectations for the quality of work you expect from your students and shows students how they should prepare for class and also the exam.
Having said the above, you can download the following syllabus here: Mathematics, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agricultural Science, Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo, Economics, Geography, Financial Accounting, Commerce, Civic Education, Data processing, further mathematics, Government, History, Literature in English, Technical Drawing.
- Mathematics
- English Language
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Agricultural science
- Yoruba
- Hausa
- Igbo
- Economics
- Geography
- Financial Accounting
- Commerce
- Civic Education
- Data processing
- Further mathematics
- Government
- History
- Music
- Woodwork
- Literature in English
- Technical Drawing
English Language
This examination sets out to test the different basic skills of communicating in English using the mediums of speech and writing. The examination will test the receptive and productive abilities of candidates. These abilities will be demonstrated in the following forms: reading, comprehension, summary, vocabulary, lexis and structure, listening comprehension, and recognition of different aspects of spoken English.
The objective of the syllabus is to measure the extent to which the aims of the teaching syllabuses of member countries have been realized in candidates’ secondary school careers. The examination sets out to examine candidates’ ability to
- use correct English;
- write about incidents in English that are appropriate to specified audiences and situations;
- organize material in paragraphs that are chronologically, spatially, and logically coherent;
- control sentence structures accurately;
- exhibit variety in the use of sentence patterns;
- comply with the rules of grammar;
- spell and punctuate correctly;
- comprehend written and spoken English;
- recognize implied meaning, tones, and attitudes;
- use an acceptable pronunciation that can be comprehended by others;
- recognize the physical characteristics of English sounds and the letters that represent them.
- pick out and summarize relevant information from set passages.
The topics, contents, and notes are intended to indicate the scope of the questions which will be set. The notes are not to be considered as an exhaustive list of illustrations/limitations.
The syllabus aims to test candidates’:
- mathematical competency and computational skills;
- understanding of mathematical concepts and their relationship to the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills for everyday living in the global world;
- ability to translate problems into mathematical language and solve them using appropriate methods;
- ability to be accurate to a degree relevant to the problem at hand;
- logical, abstract, and precise thinking.
The aims of the WAEC physics syllabus are to enable candidates
- acquire proper understanding of the basic principles and applications of Physics;
- develop scientific skills and attitudes as pre-requisites for further scientific activities;
- recognize the usefulness, and limitations of scientific method to appreciate its applicability ion other disciplines and in every life;
- develop abilities, attitudes and skills that encourage efficient and safe practice;
- develop scientific attitudes such as accuracy, precision, objectivity, integrity, initiative and inventiveness.
The WAEC chemistry syllabus is drawn purposely for examination, hence the topics are not necessarily arranged in the order in which they should be taught.
The following assumptions were made in drawing of the syllabus:
- That candidates must have covered the Integrated Science/Basic Science or General Science and Mathematics syllabuses at the Junior Secondary School (JSS)/Junior High School (J.H.S) level;
- That candidates would carry out as many of the suggested activities and project work as possible, and consequently develop the intended competencies and skills as spelt out in the relevant Chemistry teaching syllabuses;
- That schools which offer the subject have well-equipped laboratories.
If there is a subject you need that is not included in the current WAEC syllabus listed above, kindly drop a comment below.
Thanks, Bolarinwa for the efforts made to compile those syllabi. God bless you richly.
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