What to Do With Low JAMB Score For Admission

Low JAMB score has always been a concern to candidates seeking admission into different Universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education in Nigeria. Many do ask how they can gain admission with scores below 200 or cut-off marks.
I have also been at this junction before in 2002 when I scored 193 in JAMB. It wasn’t easy for me because I was looking for Universities that would accept that score. I was unable to use that score eventually but I have a friend who scored 196 in 2002 and was offered admission to study pure and applied physics at LAUTECH. I will tell you what he did.
According to the statistics of results released by JAMB, 76% of students scored below 200 which may not be good for them to secure admission into a tertiary institution of their choice. Because the majority of them choose competitive courses/universities which may affect their chance of getting admission.
The first step is to check the previous JAMB cut-off mark for each University and Polytechnic and that will give you a clue to Universities and Polytechnics that accept low JAMB scores i.e. below 180. This will enable you to know whether you will be eligible for PUTME or not.
This is also a guide as to what to do when your JAMB score is below 180. I will now list what to do when you score below 200 in JAMB.
Gaining Admission with Low Score
Don’t panic
Many students get worried when they discover that they have a low JAMB score and by this, many have fallen into the hands of fraudsters. A low score doesn’t mean you won’t get admission if you know the right steps to take. It only means you may not get admitted into your desired course or the University you love.
Check for the list of universities that accept low score
I have provided the link above to have a clue on the previous JAMB score each University and Polytechnic accepted in the last admission. This is the first thing to do in other to know which direction to go. Congratulations to you if your school cut-off mark is below your JAMB score. For example, if their cut-off mark is below 180 and you had 190. This means you have a chance of being offered admission.
Go for a change of course/institution
My friend who was offered admission in 2002 makes use of the opportunity provided by JAMB which is a change of course/institution. He changed from UNIPORT to LAUTECH once he discovered that LAUTECH accepts below 190 for some courses. Change of course/institution is a saving grace once you have discovered that your JAMB score is below the cut-off mark of your school. It is a wise decision to make to save your score. However, you may need to opt for a course/institution that you don’t like. For example, someone who scores 190 and wants to study medicine may have to change his or her course to biology in a university that accepts below 180 in JAMB. This can even make you change to a polytechnic against the university you chose initially.
Prepare well for Post-UTME
This only comes into play when you have met the cut-off mark. Meeting the cut-off mark doesn’t equate to an admission offer, you have to have a good Post UTME score to make your chance brighter. Many institutions use the JAMB score + post-UTME score + O’ level result to determine who they offer admission. So you must start preparing now.
There is currently a feature on JAMB CAPS which is JAMB transfer approval ( it is a section where JAMB notifies candidates that their first choice institution wants to transfer them from their initial chosen course to another course)
Recommended: Useful tips on what to read for Post-UTME
Lastly, be hopeful despite your score and I wish you all the best. However, if you see that it looks impossible to gain admission with a low JAMB score, try to register for another UTME or JUPEB or Cambridge A level.