
CIPM Examination Timetable 2024/2025

Nigeria’s Chartered Institute of Personnel Management has released the official 2024/2025 examination timetable. The CIPM exam for foundation, intermediate, and professional will be held from Friday, June 14, to Saturday, June 15, 2024.


 09:00am – 10:00am10:00am – 11:00am11:00am – 12:00noon
Friday, 14th JunePrinciples of Management and Business
Development – FD/001
Introduction To Financial and
Management Accounting – FD/002
Fundamentals Of Psychology, Sociology
and Politics – FD/003
Saturday, 15th JuneIntroduction To Human Resource Mgt–
Elements of Nigeria’s Business Law and
Legal System – FD/005
Digital and Management Information
System – FD/00

Foundation I (old syllabus)

 09:00am – 10:00am10:00am – 11:00am11:00am – 12:00noon
Friday, 14th JuneIntroduction to Management – F1/001Writing and Communication Skills – F1/002RESIT (1 REFERENCE)
Saturday, 15th JuneIntroduction to Economics – F1/003Introduction to Accounting – F1/004Fundamentals of Psychology and Sociology – F1/005

Foundation II (old syllabus)

 09:00am – 10:00am10:00am – 11:00am11:00am – 12:00noon
Friday, 14th JuneIntroduction to Human Resource Management – F2/001Business Law – F2/003RESIT (1 REFERENCE)
Saturday, 15th JuneComputer Application & Management Information System – F2/004Elements of Politics and Nigeria Legal System – F2/005Nigerian Business Environment – F2/002

Intermediate I (old and new syllabus)

 09:00am – 10:00am10:00am – 11:00am11:00am – 12:00noon
Friday, 14th JuneBusiness Administration – INT/001
Business Administration and Practices – INT/001
Advanced Economics – INT/002
Fundamentals of Economics – INT1/002
Saturday, 15th JuneAccounting & Finance for Managers – INT1/003
Finance For Human Resource Managers – INT1/003
Business Statistics & Social Research Methods – INT/004 Communication Process, Management
and Development – INT 1/005

Intermediate II (old and new syllabus)

 09:00am – 10:00am10:00am – 11:00am11:00am – 12:00noon
Friday, 45th JuneLearning and Development – INT2/001Public Administration – INT2/002
Public Admin and Leadership – INT2/002
Saturday, 15th JuneWorkforce Planning and Strategies – INT2/003Comparative Management and Administration – INT2/004
Comparative Hr Management – INT2/004

Professional Examination I

 09:00am – 10:00am10:00am – 11:00am11:00am – 12:00noon
Friday, 14th JuneOperations Research – PE1/001
HR Metrics and Analytics – PE1/001
Organisational Behaviour and
Performance – PE1/002
Saturday, 15th JuneInsurance And Pensions Management –
Insurance, Pension & Risk Management –
Advanced Human Resource Management
I – PE1/004
Presentation Skills – PE1/005

Professional Examination II

 09:00am – 10:00am10:00am – 11:00am11:00am – 12:00noon
Friday, 14th JuneNigerian Labour Law – PE2/001Advanced Employment Relations – PE2/002
Employment Relations – PE2/002
Saturday, 15th JuneAdvanced Human Resource Management II – PE2/003Labour Market Analysis – PE2/004 


  • The Examination Registration will close on Friday, May 31, 2024. Late registration, which will be from Saturday, June 1 to Sunday, June 2, 2024, will attract a penalty of One thousand naira (N1000.00).
  • You are expected to log in to the Examination platform 30 minutes before the commencement time (i.e. 8.30 a.m.) for the necessary screening.

Read: CIPM Courses, Centres, Registration,and Fees


  1. The test will be administered via the internet and will require the following: A good internet connection, A computer with a functional Webcam, Exam photo card.
  2. The Institute will reject any registration form that is not properly completed.
  3. Select ONLINE EXAM as the Examination Centre.
  4. Examination fees once paid are non-refundable.
  5. Make sure information loaded by the system e.g. exam category, resit subject (if any) are correct before proceeding to payment.
  6. Annual dues must be paid up to date.
  7. Download your photocard (examination card), which contains the exam time-table, in PDF and save it on the laptop you would use for the online exam.
  8. Examination application submitted cannot be edited or modified.
  9. Candidates will only be allowed to sit for the course(s) registered for.
  10. Deferment of any examination will not be granted except on medical grounds, supported by a medical certificate/report and a letter from the candidate’s Manager or Head of Department (if applicable).
  11. Ensure your Laptop network and battery are in good condition before starting the test.
  12. Ensure no materials or books/persons laying around, phones, other gadget/smart devices or anything that gives off as malpractice is found within 360degrees scanning of your environment.
  13. Please perform all guided pre-test activities. Ensure there is enough light in the room.
  14. Ensure your environment is quiet, kindly put all devices away, including calculators. Where a calculator is required, use the one on your system.
  15. This test is automatically monitored hence any violation will be recorded against you.
  16. Your Username and Password are required to access the test.
  17. Kindly go to using your Username or Password to access your test at the test start date and time. The notification below will be displayed if you fail to log in at the test date and start time stated: “You are not currently scheduled for an assessment.”
  18. Your Username is not case sensitive; however, your password is case sensitive. Once successfully logged in, click on the “Take Test” button to commence your test.
  19. Upon log in, read the instructions and click on the link specified on the testing platform to launch your assessment and insert your password a second time. Please note that once launched, access will be restricted to all other applications on your computer system so, ensure you have your password ready.
  20. All applications that use webcam should be closed before launching the test such as Skype, Ms Teams, Zoom, etc
  21. Once your test has commenced, a timer will be located at the top-right corner of the screen which would indicate the total time left to complete the test.
  22. DO NOT at any time leave or move your face away from your computer.
  23. A preview of your video feed will be shown at the bottom right. Always ensure your face is properly aligned with your camera.
  24. For the multiple-choice assessments, there would be question numbers at the bottom of your screen which would change colour as you progress through the test.
  25. A red-coloured number indicates a question that has not been answered, while green indicates a question that has been answered.
  26. At the end of your test, the display on the screen would read “Test Submitted Successfully”. “Error in submission” notification at the end of the test is as a result of a poor internet connection. Do not closethe test window. Try to submit again while ensuring that your network is stable. Also, ensure all uploads at the end get to 100%.
  27. Please ensure you are using a stable internet connection throughout the duration of the test. In the event of an internet disruption during the test, do not close the test window as this will prematurely end the test without submission of your activity and you may be unable to login again. Instead, check your internet source and try to ensure that it is stable.
  28. Contact CIPM for any clarification on your result or information on your examination application.
  29. By proceeding with payment, you agree with the above terms and conditions of the Institute’s Online Examination.

Bolarinwa Olajire

A tutor with a demonstrated history of working in the education industry. Skilled in analytical skills. Strong education professional with a M. SC focused in condensed matter. You can follow me on Twitter by clicking on the icon below to ask questions.

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