Cowbellpedia 2020 Edition | Register Now

The portal for Cowbellpedia 2020 has been opened for all students who want to participate in the competition.
The 2020 Cowbellpedia registration portal opened on Wednesday 1st January 2020. Hurry now the register your students because the earlier the better.
Latest Update: The 2020 Cowbellpedia Secondary School TV Quiz Show is currently being revamped to give you a better experience. In the meantime, you can visit our YouTube page to catch up on all previous episodes. Thanks for your patience.
In the last 21 years, Cowbell has been involved in the sponsorship of Mathematics competition in Secondary Schools in Nigeria. Our objectives have remained the same over these years, as we believe in the total development of the Nigerian Child.
- To awaken the consciousness and interest in mathematics among Junior and Senior secondary school students in Nigeria.
- To improve students’ performance in Mathematics Pan Nigeria.
- To create a credible platform for identifying outstanding students and encouraging excellence in Mathematics.
- To provide a creditable platform that will reward excellence in the subject area of Mathematics
Over the years, this platform for both Junior and Senior Secondary categories has evolved from the humble beginning of Lagos state only examination to a nationwide examination that has received the support of the Federal Ministry of Education.
Registration for 2020 Cowbellpedia Qualifying Exams is now open and registration closes on March 8th, 2020 ahead of the National qualifying examinations.
The Cowbellpedia competition is in two stages:
- Stage 1: Qualifying Written Examination
- Stage 2: TV Quiz Show
Recommended: How to learn mathematics
To register, kindly click here
Stage One
Qualifying written examination across the nation for students in JSS3 and SSS 2 in both public and private Secondary Schools.
Stage Two
Qualifying written examination across the nation for students in JSS3 and SSS 2 in both public and private Secondary Schools.
Stage 1 (Qualifying Written Examination)
How to enter
The Mathematics Competition is open to students from 10 – 18 years of age attending full time Secondary Education in both Public and Private Schools in Nigeria. Entry into this competition is FREE.
Each School is required to present their BEST Ten (10) students in Mathematics (five from JSS3 and five from SSS2), irrespective of sex, religion, tribe or state of origin, to enhance their chances of qualifying for the next stage of the competition.
To encourage Girl Child Education, we are making a humble appeal that Mixed Schools nominate a minimum two (2) girls for each category to represent such school.
- Go to
- Click on link to register your school
- Fill the form and submit. Ensure to fill all required fields.
- An email will be sent to the School and Primary contact email addresses provided when filling the form.
- Use the link in the email received to verify the email addresses. The school email address must be verified before you can login.
- Once school email is verified, login to the portal using the school email and password used to register.
- On successful login, you click on the Add Candidates under Candidate Management.
- Fill in the candidate’s information on the form, upload the candidate’s picture and click the Save Draft button.
- You will need to save draft information for 5 candidates before you can submit their registration. If you school is a mixed school, at least 2 of the candidates must be female or you won’t be able to complete the registration.
- After creating the draft registration for 5 candidates in a category (junior/senior) button will be shown on the page to “Register junior/senior candidates”. Click the button to complete the registration of candidates for that category.
- A confirmation slip will be generated for you to download and will also be mailed to the School, candidate and parent/guardian email address.
- Print this confirmation slip and have it stamped and signed by the school principal.
- The confirmation slip will be required for admitting candidates at the examination venue.
General Rules and Regulations
- Stage 1 (Qualifying Written Examination) will hold in all states of the federation including the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. However, accreditation of all candidates begins at 8:00am.
- Late comers will not be allowed to write the examination.
- Candidates are to come along with only a pencil, biro, eraser, ruler and statistical table, NO CALCULATORS WILL BE ALLOWED.
- Any act of misconduct will lead to disqualification of the candidate.
- All candidates MUST be in their School Uniform.
- Please refer to examination center list to check for the center nearest you.
- The competition is ONLY open to Students in JSS 3 and SSS 2. Candidates in any other Grade/Class will be disqualified.
- The decision of NECO and Promasidor Nigeria Limited is final. We shall not enter into any correspondence with anyone regarding the conduct of this examination.