What To Do When School Gave Admission But JAMB Did Not

I had heard some candidates ask about what to do when their school gave them admission, but JAMB did not. And this issue has made some of them think about whether school admission is different from JAMB admission. There is no difference between the admission given by your institution, and the one JAMB will give you. However, there is a process your institution must follow before JAMB can validate your admission.
JAMB has been saddled with the responsibility to place suitably qualified candidates in the tertiary institutions after having taken into account:
- The vacancies available in each tertiary institution;
- The guidelines approved for each tertiary institution by its proprietors or other competent authorities
- The preference expressed or otherwise indicated by the candidates for certain tertiary institutions and courses
There may be a problem from you, the school, or JAMB that can lead to your school giving you admission, and JAMB did not or JAMB offering admission into another institution.
Before I provide you with the solution, I will explain how your school works with JAMB to validate your admission.
The first thing is that your institution will forward the recommended list to the JAMB desk officer. The Desk officer processes the recommended list and generates a list of provisional admissions. The desk officer will ensure all the admitted candidates submitted by the school meet all the O’level requirements advertised on the JAMB brochure. Lastly, JAMB contacts candidates to accept or decline admission.
Actions To Take
- Upload your O’level result
O’level results uploading is now a requirement; candidates must upload their results before they can be considered. O’level results will be verified before matriculation. So when you see that you haven’t been admitted despite your successful admission status on your school portal, go and upload your O’level result again.
- Be Patient
JAMB uploads the admission list sent from your school in batches on their portal. Perhaps it is yet your batch turn, and that triggers admission in progress or not yet admitted; wait for one to two weeks before you take further action.
- Contact Your School Admission Office
When you are in a situation like this, it is good to contact your school admission officer for a way out. If the problem is from the school or JAMB, they find a solution to it.
- Contact JAMB
There is a general support ticket, candidate support ticket, and online support system on the JAMB support ticket portal, so you can pick any of the three means as related to you. According to the Board, Support tickets are attended to immediately between 24 – 48 hours, except on weekends. After you have submitted the ticket, the JAMB official will attend to you, and the issue might be resolved.
Why am I seeing not admitted when I have seen admission in progress before
In progress means you are still under consideration. But the final status is their decision after the assessment.
Please sir. my daughter sit for 2023 and make above the cut-off mark but wasn’t given admission.
This year 2024 she sit for jamb and made above the cut-off mark. when we check the jamb cap, we see not admitted. pls what should we do next.
Meeting the cut-off mark isn’t a guarantee for admission. Other factors are also put into consideration like O’level result and the competitiveness of the course.
Hello sir,my admission status has been admission in progress for the past one week,please what might be delaying it
The process is still ongoing between your school and JAMB. Once they have finalized it, you will see the decision on CAPS.
Please sir I have accepted my Admission on my school portal but on my jamb caps is showing not yet admitted.pls what could be the problem and the deadline for paying my acceptance fees is tomorrow, should I go ahead with the payment or what
I think this might be a delay on the part of your school to update the CAPS. I will advise you to go to your school tomorrow and explain this to them. By this you will get appropriate information.
Please sir jamb hasn’t given me admission yet is still saying admission in progress buh my school has given me admission sir wat should I do?
Be calm, it will reflect on your CAPS and soon as your school communicate with JAMB.
Sir I have been given admission by my school but on jamb still showing you have not been given admission yet, pls what can I do sir
It will soon show.
Sir my middle name dey on my school portal but doesn’t dey on my jamb portal can it affect my admission
Your full name or only middle name?
Have been shortlisted on my school portal but in jamb portal it showing not admitted yet what should I do
It will change to admitted once your school send your name to JAMB.
Sir… Am seeing not admitted yet for the past few weeks now what should I do sir
i have been given admission on my school portal but my jamb portal is still saying not admitted
i have already paid the acceptance and medical fee because it had a deadline
please help me
A school I did not apply for is giving me admission but the school on my jamb cap has still not given me admission and I want to go to the school on my jamb cap
May be you should wait until you see the final decision of your school.
Kindly wait, your status will change on CAPS. However, you can seek help from your school admission office.
Sir, my jamb admission cap have been showing admission in progress for more than 3weeks now!° please what is the problem?????
my school has given me admission and i have paid the necessary fees but my jamb caps is still saying admission in progress,what do you feel i can do sir?
Nothing to worry about. Your school is in the position to inform JAMB on your admission status.
Sir the name on my jamb profile and WAEC result is not the same so I went to correct my name on nin den do change of name on jamb but it was rejected … dem I printed the jamb result out it was showing Aserisk but jamb has not given me admission yet wat will happen sir plss help me