How to gain admission into the University of Ibadan

University of Ibadan is the first university in Nigeria and it was established in 1948. Her mission is academic excellence geared towards meeting societal needs.
UI undergraduate admission is purely on merit. However, being offer admission into any tertiary institution especially UI admission is not an easy job, hard work is required in order to be offered admission into your desired course.
University of Ibadan, UI is the best university in Nigeria and that is what makes the university one of the most chosen universities by applicants in JAMB. Due to this, the requirements for admission into UI is of high standard when compared to other universities.
That said, you must meet all the UI admission requirements before you can stand a chance of being offered admission into the institution.
The unfortunate scenerio I have seen is that many students are only wishing to study in UI without giving the required effort, smartness, and intelligent needed to gain admission into the school. For you to gain admission into UI there is a need for you to count the cost before you embark on the journey. If you desire to study any of the course below it is important to be aware of the requirements and be ready to meet them.
The courses I will discuss their admission requirements in this article are Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy, Electrical / Electronics engineering, Mechanical engineering, Nursing, Civil engineering, Architecture e.t.c. And the reason is that they are courses with the highest number of applicants in JAMB.
Download free post-UTME past questions and read tips on how to pass post-UTME
Different schools with different requirements and the level of competition also differs for each school. Below are the admission requirements for certain courses in UI.
Courses Offer and Admission Requirements
I will discuss some of the courses offered at the University of Ibadan and this will help you gain insight into their admission criteria. The truth is that the competition is high but you can be offered admission if you can understand the point I will be discussing below.
This is one of the institutions that students like to choose as their first choice to study Medicine and Surgery, Nursing, Pharmacy, Electrical engineering, Mechanical engineering, Civil engineering, e.t.c.
Your WASSCE results must be relatively okay: you must have at least Mathematics(B), English (B), Chemistry (B), Biology (B), Physics (B), and any other subject for your chance to be relatively high.
This means that you must sit tight and prepare very well for your WASSCE. Your preparation must start now.
UTME is the next exam to sit down for and you must be able to score relatively high in the exam. I will advise students to aim at scoring above 250 for you to have good standing.
The reason why you need to score high in JAMB is because UTME score takes 50 percent of the admission percentage distribution. In the same vein, your UI post UTME score must be relatively high because it makes up the remaining 50 percent.
Recommended: UI departmental Cut off mark
Medicine and Surgery
University of Ibadan college of medicine admission requirements: below are the requirements for admission into University of Ibadan college of medicine.
UTME subject: Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
UTME score for Medicine: I will suggest that you have 250 and above in JAMB
WASSEC result: Five SSCE credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
UI Direct Entry requirement: Most times it is 15 points to study medicine but sometimes it can come down to 14 points. Also UI accepts second class upper in medical related course.
Electrical, Mechanical, Civil Engineering
UTME score: I advise students to aim at scoring above 250 for you to have good standing. This isn’t the cut-off mark but just the opinion of the writer.
UTME subject: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
WASSEC result: Five SSCE credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and one science subject.
A level requirement: Most times it is 13-16 points but this subject to change.
UI requires 5 ‘O’ level Credits passes at one sitting or six ‘O’ level subjects at 2 sitting to include English. Language, Lit-in-English any other subjects from Arts, Social Sciences or Science.
UTME subject: Any three Arts or Social Science subjects.
UI accepts two ‘A’ level passes but O/L credit passes should include Mathematics and Economics.
UI requires 5 credit passes to include Mathematics, Economics and any two Arts or Social Science subjects.
WASSCE: Mathematics, Economics and any two of Arts or Social Science subjects.
UTME subject: Economics, Mathematics and any of Government, History, Geography, Lit-in-English, French and CRK/IRK.
Computer science
WASSCE result: Five SSCE credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry plus one other science subjects
UTME subject: Mathematics, Physics and one of the Biology, Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics, and Geography.
UI accepts:
(a) UI requires TWO ‘A’ level passes from Arts, Science or Social Science subjects
(b) UI accepts Science subject with a pass in Mathematics
WASSCE result: UI requires 5 ‘O’ level credits in Government/History, English. Language and three other subjects plus at least a pass in Mathematics. UI accepts Science subjects with a pass in Mathematics.
UTME SUBJECTS: Any three subjects.
My advice to students intending to study psychology is that they should make sure they have good WASSCE result and UTME scores(preferably 240 and above) for them to have a better chance.
University of Ibadan undergraduate admission is purely on MERIT and ELDS (Educationally Less Developed State). If you have a good result in your WASSCE, UTME and Cambridge ‘A LEVEL’ for the UTME and DE students, you will be offered admission. Moreover, UI does take into consideration candidates that come from ELDS, and their UI cut-off mark is always a little bit lower than those on merit.
Admission portal for undergraduates
UI admission portal for undergraduates is a place where you get all the required information on UI admission. Furthermore, you can monitor your admission process through the portal.
For students interested in writing Cambridge A level, you have a great task ahead. Though the task isn’t as difficult as some students perceive it to be, You must target AT LEAST 15 points: AAB. My advice to students has been to target 16 points(AAA) for them to be in a very good position. Cambridge A level will enable you to secure admission into 200 level in any institution of your choice. It is also an avenue to strengthen your academic muscles.
For DE students who want to use Cambridge A level result
The sale of Jamb DE forms usually kicks off a few days after the Cambridge international exams i.e. around mid-June.
The form is bought and filled online and a slip would be printed out, one which needs to be photocopied & would be needed for the admission processing.
All that’s left is to follow up on information concerning Admission processing on the school’s website. Application for DE candidates usually comes after the UTME candidates are done with theirs. Instructions on what documents to submit at the school’s Admission office such as the A level statement of result, the Jamb slip, and O level are updated on the school’s website. The process of application and documents needed online are also updated on the site.
After the whole online application stress all there is is to wait for the admission list and further screening in school.
For the points required in various courses, it’s usually unknown and undisclosed. Except for people who’ve got insiders in Admission processing units who may know the required points. The school drafts the required points after screening the number of applicants in various departments, the performance of candidates and the number of candidates they want in each department. But over the years there’s been a range of required points for various courses. UI direct entry for medicine it’s usually 15 or 16 points in A level result. However, as at last year (2016) it came down to 14.
The is article is ENTIRELY THE OPINION of the writer. This article is a product of my experience and observation of University of Ibadan admission for up to two decade. I believe the point made here will give you some hedge over other students in order to gain admission into the school.
Lastly, if you will like to know about UI school fees, kind click here.