Tag: University of Ibadan | [https://ui.edu.ng]

  • UI School Fees Schedule 2023/2024

    UI School Fees Schedule 2023/2024

    The University of Ibadan school fees for undergraduate students for the 2023/2024 session have been released by the management of University of Ibadan.

    Candidates who have been offered admission and have generated their admission letters on CAPS are hereby advised to proceed with the payment of a non-refundable Acceptance Fee of Thirty Seven Thousand, Five Hundred naira (N37,500.00) only on www.admissions.ui.edu.ng. Request for a refund of the acceptance fee will not be entertained.

    Contained in the schedule are the school fees for the new students (100 – 300 level Direct Entry) and the returning students.

    There is a plan to review the fee by the management. The plan is to increase it in the range of N133.500 to N238,500 aside from the utility and technology levies (N80.000 in total).

    The old fee for each UI courses was grouped according to the faculties in the school, namely

    • Faculty of tech, the fees ranges from N26,700 for 100 level, N28,200 for 200 DE, and N29,700 for 300 level DE.
    • Faculty of Education – N23,200 (100 and 200 level) except Adult education which goes for N33,000.
    • Architecture – N43,000 (100 and 200)
    • Sciences – N26,000 for 100 level and N38,000 for 200 level DE.
    • Geology – N36,000
    • Economics – N23,000
    • Law – N24,000
    • Agriculture – N26,700
    • Pharmacy – N32,000 for 100 level and N42,200 for DE
    • Veterinary Medicine – N26,700 for 100 level and N37,700 for DE
    • College of Medicine – N26,700 for all departments under this college.
  • Tips To Pass University Of Ibadan Post UTME

    Tips To Pass University Of Ibadan Post UTME

    Everything you need to know about the University of Ibadan Post UTME and how to pass excellently well will be discussed in this article, and you are encouraged to leave a comment if you have questions.

    UI admission aggregate is determined by JAMB score and Post-UTME score i.e.( JAMB score/8) + (Post UTME score/2). However, you must have met the O’level criteria before you can be offered admission.

    Firstly, before you can be invited to write PUTME, you must have scored at least 200 in JAMB. And a higher score like 250 and above is suitable for candidates who want to study competitive courses at the University of Ibadan.

    I have discovered that candidates who fail UI Post JAMB were unaware of tips to succeed in the exam. And because of the level of failure, I have decided to write success tips for candidates who want to write University of Ibadan Post JAMB.

    You may like to read: 8 steps to pass post Jamb of any school with ease


    • The test is Paper-based against the computer-based in some universities in Nigeria
    • You have 90 minutes to answer 100 questions
    • You will be given a practice question during registration, and some questions out of it will come out. Expect something like 6-10 questions from the practice questions.
    • The same subject combination you wrote in JAMB is the same you will write in UI PUTME
    • No calculator is allowed
    • You’ll be tested with 25 questions from each subject

    Source of the quote below: Nairaland.com by Nltaliban

    Make sure you study and practice the “practice questions” and understand everything therein.

    Look out for the topics in the practice questions and read on them from the textbooks.

    Get Lamlad textbooks and study even with the questions at the end of each chapter. It is because they always collect the question papers back from candidates.

    Plan on how you’re going to answer your questions and on the order at which you’ll answer your questions before your examination.

    Learn to skip questions you don’t know. But you should be careful about how you go about it.

    Please avoid using too much of eraser and don’t let your shadings be rough and too thick. Your answer sheets will be marked by a programmed computer so you should be extra careful.

    Please come with a very simple wristwatch to be time conscious.

    If you’re an average student like me, do not make the mistake of starting with physics or mathematics. You’ll spend most of your time on it, and by the time you’ll get to biology or English, you might not remember the past tense of “come.”

    Please try your possible best to avoid any unnecessary brainstorming. Often, last minutes brainstorming will leave you confused and make you feel inferior to the person you’re better than because of the way some people can defend wrong answers.

    Lastly, commit everything to God in prayer.

    There is no other way to succeed than to prepare adequately for it. Securing admission into the University of Ibadan is very competitive because of the high volume of applicants seeking admission into the school.

    So you must do everything possible to pass the UI screening exercise.

    Recommended: How to check UI post Jamb result

  • UI Admission Cut Off Mark for Each Department 2024

    UI Admission Cut Off Mark for Each Department 2024

    The management has released the University of Ibadan (UI) admission cut-off mark into different undergraduate programme for 2024 admission. The UTME minimum score is 200 for all the programmes offered in the school. This is one of the criteria for partaking in the school admission screening exercise.

    Prospective students who have checked their PUTME scores can now check their department cut-off mark to determine whether they can be admitted.

    Departmental Minimum Mark in Pictures

    The cut-off mark by each department is in the image below. It is divided into merit, catchment, and ELDS (Educationally Less Developed States). Once you meet this minimum point, you will be offered admission.

    UI post utme cut off mark

    ui cut off mark2

    UI cut off mark3

    UI cut off mark4

    UI cut off mark5


    The above states are given special consideration during admission, reflected in the released cut-off mark. JAMB approves this consideration.

    This is to inform candidates that recommendation for admission will be based on the aggregate score obtained from the JAMB score and Post UTME score. The JAMB score and Post UTME score will be scaled down to 50 each, and the scores’ summation is the aggregate score.

    Candidates are, therefore, advised to check their dashboard for their aggregate scores. This applies to only candidates who scored 50 and above in the Post UTME screening.

  • How to gain admission into the University of Ibadan

    How to gain admission into the University of Ibadan

    University of Ibadan is the first university in Nigeria and it was established in 1948. Her mission is academic excellence geared towards meeting societal needs.

    UI undergraduate admission is purely on merit. However, being offer admission into any tertiary institution especially UI admission is not an easy job, hard work is required in order to be offered admission into your desired course.

    University of Ibadan, UI is the best university in Nigeria and that is what makes the university one of the most chosen universities by applicants in JAMB. Due to this, the requirements for admission into UI is of high standard when compared to other universities.

    That said, you must meet all the UI admission requirements before you can stand a chance of being offered admission into the institution.

    The unfortunate scenerio I have seen is that many students are only wishing to study in UI without giving the required effort, smartness, and intelligent needed to gain admission into the school. For you to gain admission into UI there is a need for you to count the cost before you embark on the journey. If you desire to study any of the course below it is important to be aware of the requirements and be ready to meet them.

    The courses I will discuss their admission requirements in this article are Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy, Electrical / Electronics engineering, Mechanical engineering, Nursing, Civil engineering, Architecture e.t.c. And the reason is that they are courses with the highest number of applicants in JAMB.

    Download free post-UTME past questions and read tips on how to pass post-UTME

    Different schools with different requirements and the level of competition also differs for each school. Below are the admission requirements for certain courses in UI.

    Courses Offer and Admission Requirements

    I will discuss some of the courses offered at the University of Ibadan and this will help you gain insight into their admission criteria. The truth is that the competition is high but you can be offered admission if you can understand the point I will be discussing below.

    This is one of the institutions that students like to choose as their first choice to study Medicine and Surgery, Nursing, Pharmacy, Electrical engineering, Mechanical engineering, Civil engineering, e.t.c.

    Your WASSCE results must be relatively okay: you must have at least Mathematics(B), English (B), Chemistry (B), Biology (B), Physics (B), and any other subject for your chance to be relatively high.

    This means that you must sit tight and prepare very well for your WASSCE. Your preparation must start now.

    UTME is the next exam to sit down for and you must be able to score relatively high in the exam. I will advise students to aim at scoring above 250 for you to have good standing.

    The reason why you need to score high in JAMB is because UTME score takes 50 percent of the admission percentage distribution.  In the same vein, your UI post UTME score must be relatively high because it makes up the remaining 50 percent.

    Recommended: UI departmental Cut off mark

    Medicine and Surgery

    University of Ibadan college of medicine admission requirements: below are the requirements for admission into University of Ibadan college of medicine.

    UTME subject: Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

    UTME score for Medicine: I will suggest that you have 250 and above in JAMB

    WASSEC result: Five SSCE credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

    UI Direct Entry requirement: Most times it is 15 points to study medicine but sometimes it can come down to 14 points. Also UI accepts second class upper in medical related course.

    Electrical, Mechanical, Civil Engineering

    UTME score: I advise students to aim at scoring above 250 for you to have good standing. This isn’t the cut-off mark but just the opinion of the writer.

    UTME subject: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

    WASSEC result: Five SSCE credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and one science subject.

    A level requirement: Most times it is 13-16 points but this subject to change.


    UI requires 5 ‘O’ level Credits passes at one sitting or six ‘O’ level subjects at 2 sitting to include English. Language, Lit-in-English any other subjects from Arts, Social Sciences or Science.

    UTME subject: Any three Arts or Social Science subjects.


    UI accepts two ‘A’ level passes but O/L credit passes should include Mathematics and Economics.

    UI requires 5 credit passes to include Mathematics, Economics and any two Arts or Social Science subjects.

    WASSCE: Mathematics, Economics and any two of Arts or Social Science subjects.

    UTME subject: Economics, Mathematics and any of Government, History, Geography, Lit-in-English, French and CRK/IRK.

    Computer science

    WASSCE result: Five SSCE credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry plus one other science subjects

    UTME subject: Mathematics, Physics and one of the Biology, Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics, and Geography.


    UI accepts:
    (a) UI requires TWO ‘A’ level passes from Arts, Science or Social Science subjects
    (b) UI accepts Science subject with a pass in Mathematics

    WASSCE result: UI requires 5 ‘O’ level credits in Government/History, English. Language and three other subjects plus at least a pass in Mathematics. UI accepts Science subjects with a pass in Mathematics.

    UTME SUBJECTS: Any three subjects.

    My advice to students intending to study psychology is that they should make sure they have good WASSCE result and UTME scores(preferably 240 and above) for them to have a better chance.

    University of Ibadan undergraduate admission is purely on MERIT and ELDS (Educationally Less Developed State). If you have a good result in your WASSCE, UTME and Cambridge ‘A LEVEL’ for the UTME and DE students, you will be offered admission. Moreover, UI does take into consideration candidates that come from ELDS, and their UI cut-off mark is always a little bit lower than those on merit.

    Admission portal for undergraduates

    UI admission portal for undergraduates is a place where you get all the required information on UI admission. Furthermore, you can monitor your admission process through the portal.


    For students interested in writing Cambridge A level, you have a great task ahead. Though the task isn’t as difficult as some students perceive it to be, You must target AT LEAST 15 points: AAB. My advice to students has been to target 16 points(AAA) for them to be in a very good position. Cambridge A level will enable you to secure admission into 200 level in any institution of your choice. It is also an avenue to strengthen your academic muscles.

    For DE students who want to use Cambridge A level result

    The sale of Jamb DE forms usually kicks off a few days after the Cambridge international exams i.e. around mid-June.

    The form is bought and filled online and a slip would be printed out, one which needs to be photocopied & would be needed for the admission processing.

    All that’s left is to follow up on information concerning Admission processing on the school’s website. Application for DE candidates usually comes after the UTME candidates are done with theirs. Instructions on what documents to submit at the school’s Admission office such as the A level statement of result, the Jamb slip, and O level are updated on the school’s website. The process of application and documents needed online are also updated on the site.

    After the whole online application stress all there is is to wait for the admission list and further screening in school.

    For the points required in various courses, it’s usually unknown and undisclosed. Except for people who’ve got insiders in Admission processing units who may know the required points. The school drafts the required points after screening the number of applicants in various departments, the performance of candidates and the number of candidates they want in each department. But over the years there’s been a range of required points for various courses. UI direct entry for medicine it’s usually 15 or 16 points in A level result. However, as at last year (2016) it came down to 14.

    The is article is ENTIRELY THE OPINION of the writer. This article is a product of my experience and observation of University of Ibadan admission for up to two decade. I believe the point made here will give you some hedge over other students in order to gain admission into the school.

    Lastly, if you will like to know about UI school fees, kind click here.

  • UI Business School Admission Form 2018/2019 Is Out

    UI Business School Admission Form 2018/2019 Is Out

    University of Ibadan, UI Business School Admission Form – Admission into Professional Postgraduate Programmes

    ui postgraduate form, ui business school form

    The University of Ibadan invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the under-listed professional postgraduate degree programmes of the University of Ibadan School of Business (UISB

    a) Master in Business Administration (MBA) – Executive

    b) Master in Business Administration (MBA) – Full-Time or Part-Time

    c) Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) – Full-Time or Part-Time.

    Available areas of specialization;

    • Agribusiness
    • Telecommunications
    • Marketing
    • Personnel
    • Finance and Accounting
    • Entrepreneurship and Operations Management

    Application fees: Application fee for all programmes is N25,000.00

    Eligibility Criteria

    Master of Business Administration (MBA)

    Candidates should possess a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University, with minimum of Second Class Honours (Lower Division).


    HND (Upper Credit) or ACA, ACMA, AIBA, CIS, CIBN, ACTS etc at minimum of merit level.


    Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University, with Third Class or Pass, plus Postgraduate Diploma.


    HND (Lower Credit) from a recognized Institution, plus Postgraduate Diploma.

    Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

    Candidates should possess Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University, with Third Class or Pass.


    HND (Lower Credit)


    ACA, ACMA, AIBA, CIS, CIBN, ACTS etc. at minimum of merit level.


    The executive MBA has been made flexible to accommodate the Business Executives to break their studies and be certified at every break.

    How to apply

    For details on method of application, visit the University of Ibadan website http://pgschool.ui.edu.ng/: and click on University of Ibadan Postgraduate School Portal. Application Forms are to be completed on-line and will close on (6 wks from publication date). Note that the latest date for receipt of supporting documents is (3 wks from closing date).

    Successful applicants would be notified by e-mails.


    1. All candidates must satisfy the University of Ibadan matriculation requirements of five credit passes including English at the Ordinary Level (O/L) at one sitting or six credit passes at two sittings.
    2. All applicants may be required to take the English proficiency examination at the University of Ibadan School of Business, University of Ibadan on (6 wks from publication date)

    Related Article: UI Msc and PhD form is out

    I believe this page has provided you with needed information on how to apply for University of Ibadan, UI business shool admission form.

  • UI Postgraduate Form Into PG Programmes 2023

    UI Postgraduate Form Into PG Programmes 2023

    The University of Ibadan, UI postgraduate form for admission into various Postgraduate programmes for 2023 academic session is out online.

    University of Ibadan, UI invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the various Postgraduate programmes of the institution leading to the award of Postgraduate Diploma, Masters degree and Ph.D in the school.

    University of Ibadan Postgraduate courses and admission requirements

    UI Postgraduate form cost

    Application forms cost N13,000 for academic programmes and N18,000 for professional programmes. Applicants for the degree of Master and Postgraduate Diploma are to pay an extra N3,000:00 for test of proficiency in English Language.

    How to apply for UI Postgraduate Admission

    Guidlines on how to fill UI Postgraduate form

    The procedure for obtaining Application Forms is available at www.pgschool.ui.edu.ng

    • All application forms are to be submitted on-line. Applicants are to approach any of the Banks listed on the invoice. Note that E-channels are available at GTB and Skye Bank PLC.
    • Incomplete information from an applicant may delay or halt action on such application.
    • A candidate may apply to only one department or programme.
    • Applicants are to upload their relevant credentials and submit along with their application electronically

    Acknowledgement of Application

    Applicants would be informed electronically (through the e mail addresses provided in the electronically filled Application form) of progress in the processing of their forms.

    Letters of Recommendation

    The Postgraduate School, University of Ibadan, requires three letters of recommendation from faculty members or others well acquainted with the student’s academic work. Please note that the referee forms are available online, to be completed and submitted electronically.


    Official transcripts of all degrees completed are to be mailed directly to the Postgraduate School. If the Registrar of an applicant’s University will provide an official copy to the School directly, applicants must enclose along with the application an unofficial or student’s copy of the transcript for temporary reference. To prevent delays, applicants should make adequate arrangements with their Registrars to provide transcripts before the stipulated deadline.

    Note: In order to start a new application or an existing application, kindly visit http://pgsui.com/application/

  • UI Sessional Examination Results Analysis 2016/2017 News

    UI Sessional Examination Results Analysis 2016/2017 News

    The news released on the University of Ibadan website on 21 March 2018 has affirmed the reason why post UTME must be embraced by all universities in Nigeria.

    University of Ibadan

    According to their sessional examination results analysis, below is what their analysis finds out about the quality of students being admitted through UI Post-UTME:

    “It is worth mentioning here that the graduating students of the 2016/2017 Class were admitted into the University of Ibadan between 2011/2012 and 2013/2014 academic sessions, depending on the specific course of study, through a very rigorous and highly competitive Post-UTME.

    Empirical and verifiable data available at the University of Ibadan have shown convincingly that there has been a considerable improvement in the quality of students admitted into the University since the Post-UTME template was introduced during the 2005/2006 admission exercise.

    The withdrawal rate at the end of the 100 level at the University of Ibadan had dropped from an all-time high of 12% before the introduction of Post-UTME to less than 2% (i.e. Success Rate of 98%) during the 2015/2016 session.”

    Below is what the management of University of Ibadan noted in the examination results

    A total of 142 of our Final Year students earned a First Class Honours degree. The Faculties of Science and Technology tied in the overall best position with 37 students in each of the Faculties finishing with First Class. Twenty one of our students in the Faculty of Law earned First Class; this is the best ever result by the Faculty since its establishment 38 years ago.

    The number of first class from other Faculties include Arts (16), Agriculture (8), The Social Sciences (8), Education (7) Renewable Natural Resources (4), Public Health (2), Basic Medical Sciences (1), and Clinical Sciences (1).

    Unfortunately, there was no Post-UTME for the candidates admitted during the 2016/2017 session. This has been largely responsible for the comparatively poor performance of our students admitted during the last session

    It was also observed that students in the science-based disciplines in particular did not perform too well, with the pass rate being lowest at 67.5% at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. On the other hand, the Humanities-based discipline posted better results, with the best coming from the Faculty of Law at 99.2%.

    For the entire University, the overall success rate averaged 85%.

    Some 328 students, representing 10.9% of the total, have been advised to withdraw from the University for their inability to meet the minimum condition approved by Senate. In other words, one out of every nine of the 100 Level students did not meet the minimum condition to retain their studentship.

    Moreover, another set, comprising 115 students, were unable to meet Faculty requirements and have been advised appropriately to apply for change of course.

  • UI Postgraduate Courses And Admission Requirements

    UI Postgraduate Courses And Admission Requirements

    The list of UI Postgraduate courses and the admission requirements are listed below.


    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), Master of Philosophy (M.Phil), Master of Public Health (M.P.H.), Degree of Master (M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed, LL.M), These are available in the following Faculties and disciplines:

     (i) Arts

    Islamic Studies; Arabic & Islamic Studies; Archaeology; Anthropology; Classics; English (Literature & Language); History; Communication & Language Arts; Linguistics & African Languages; Nigeria Languages (Yoruba); French Studies, Translation, Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies, European Studies; Philosophy, Religious Studies; and Theatre Arts.

    (ii) Science

    Archaeology; Anthropology; Botany; Microbiology; Chemistry; Industrial Chemistry; Computer Science; Geography (Physical); Geology; Mathematics; Physics; Statistics; and Zoology.

    (iii) Medicine

    (a) Basic Medical Sciences

    Anatomy; Biochemistry; Chemical Pathology; Haematology; Pharmacology & Therapeutics; Physiology; and Virology.

    (b) Clinical Sciences

    Anaesthesia; Nursing; Psychiatry; Paediatrics; Physiotherapy; and Surgery. Community Health, Occupational Health, Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Opthalmology, Radiotherapy.

    (c) Dentistry

    (d) Public Health

    Biostatistics; Epidemiology and Medical Statistics; Epidemiology; Field Epidemiology; Environmental Health; Human Nutrition; Medical Demography; Health Promotion and Education; Population and Reproductive Health Education, Reproductive and Family Health, Health Policy and Management, Health Services Administration, Institute of Child Health.

    Recommended: UI PG Form

    (iv) Pharmacy

    Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy; Pharmaceutical Microbiology; Clinical Pharmacy; Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Pharmacognosy. 

    (v) Agriculture and Forestry

    Crop Protection and Environmental Biology; Agricultural Economics; Agricultural Extension and Rural Development; Agricultural Extension; Rural Sociology; Rural Communication; Home Economics; Agronomy; Animal Science; Forest Resources Management; Wildlife Management and Fisheries Management; Agricultural Biochemistry and Nutrition.

    (vi) The Social Sciences

    Economics; Geography (Human); Political Science; Sociology; Psychology; Urban and Regional Planning. 

    (vii) Education

    Adult Education; Literacy Training and Development; Educational Management; Guidance and Counselling; Counselling Psychology; Special Education; Library, Archival & Information Studies; Human Kinetics & Health Education; Teacher Education; School Media: Media Resource Management. 

    (viii) Africa Regional Centre for Information Science (ARCIS)

    (a) Analysis, Design and Evaluation or Organisational Information Systems Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Studies of Information Phenomena in Organisations. Development and Application of Information Resource Management Systems and Technologies Development and Evaluation of Organizational and National Information Policies. Development and Evaluation of Information System.

    (b) Design, Evaluation and Marketing of Commercial Information Products and Services.

    (c) Development Information Systems

    (d) Education for Information Science

    (e) Information in Public Policy

    (f) Information Systems

    (g) Information Technologies

    (h) Informetrics

    (i) MacroEconomics Studies of the Information Economy and Society

    (j) Scholarly Communication in Science and Technology 

    (ix) Abadina Media Resource Centre

    Master of School Media (MSM) (Academic) Master of Media Resource Management (MMRM) (Professional) 

    (x) Institute of Education

    Educational Evaluation (Construction and Validation of Measurement Instrument; Evaluation of Educational Achievement; Public Examinations, Programme Evaluation; Curriculum Evaluation and Psychological Testing) In-Service M.Ed Programmes in Curriculum Development and Educational Evaluation. The programmes will run four semesters. 

    (xi) Veterinary Medicine

    Veterinary Anatomy; Veterinary Medicine; Tropical Veterinary Medicine; Veterinary Microbiology; Veterinary Parasitology; Veterinary Pathology; Veterinary Physiology; Veterinary Pharmacology; Veterinary Surgery, Veterinary Reproduction; Veterinary Public Health & Preventive Medicine (Master of Veterinary Public Health, Master of Preventive Veterinary Medicine, and M.Sc.

    Epizootiology). MVSc. Veterinary Medicine Option in Avian Medicine Companion Animal Medicine, Fish and Aquatic Medicine and Food Animal Medicine.

    * The M.Sc. Veterinary Microbiology runs for two sessions.

    (xii) Technology

    * Agricultural and Environmental Engineering; Wood Products Engineering; Food Technology;

    ** Industrial & Production Engineering; Petroleum Engineering; Civil Engineering; ***Mechanical Engineering; ****Electrical/ Electronics Engineering.

    * Those whose first degrees are NOT in Agricultural Engineering will be required to spend an additional two semesters on the programme.

    ** Those whose first engineering degrees are NOT in Industrial Engineering will be required to spend an additional semester on the programme.

    *** M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering is a three semesters full-time or six semesters part-time programme.

    *** Ph.D Programme only.

    (xiii) LAW

    Master of Law (LL.M)

    The Programme

    The LL.M Degree Programme is conducted on an interdepartmental basis.

    Admission Requirements for UI Postgraduate courses – Law:

    Admission is open to any holder of Bachelor’s Degree in Law of University of Ibadan or of other approved Universities recognized by the Senate. In addition to the above requirements, applicants must

    satisfy the O’Level first degree matriculation requirements of the University of Ibadan i.e. O’Level Credit passes in five subjects at not more than two sittings including merit or credit in English Literature.

    Candidates may be required to undergo a selection process. They are therefore encouraged to provide their e-mail addresses and telephone numbers to facilitate invitation for the interview.

    (xiv) Institute of African Studies

    Anthropology; History; Religion and Belief System; African Music; Dance Studies; Visual Arts; African Law; Peace and Conflict Studies.

    M.A., M.Phil and Ph.D in Peace and Conflict Studies


    The programme is aimed at providing students, drawn from Nigeria, Africa and other parts of the world, with a practical understanding of the issues of peace and conflict in the modern world with particular reference to Africa, based on the perspectives of a range of academic disciplines. The focus of the programme is on how to produce peaceful outcomes from conflict situations.

    Admission Requirements for UI Postgraduate Courses – African studies:

    Candidates to be admitted for the M.A. Programme shall normally possess at least a good honours degree in, humanities, social sciences, law and other cognate disciplines. Preference shall be given to candidates doing related jobs in Government Parastatals industry and Security Services.

    In addition to the above requirements, application must satisfy the ‘O’ Level/First degree matriculation requirements of the University of Ibadan i.e ‘O; Level credit passes in five subjects at not more than two sittings including English Language and four other relevant matriculation subjects.


    The duration of the Masters Programme is three semesters for a Full-Time Students.

    (xv) Other UI Postgraduate courses

    University of Ibadan Postgraduate School Admission Requirements

    (a) The basic qualification for admission to all postgraduate Courses and Programmes is a first degree of the University of Ibadan or degree/Higher National Diploma of other recognized Institutions in the relevant discipline. Where qualifications are not strictly in the area of admission, remedial courses, which may lead to additional periods of studentship, may be prescribed.

    In addition to individual Departmental requirements, applicants must satisfy the ‘O’ Level first degree matriculation requirements of the University of Ibadan i.e five ‘O’Level credit passes at not more than

    two sittings including English Language and subject areas for ALL disciplines and Mathematics for ALL Science-based disciplines, Educational Management and Economics and at least a pass in Mathematics for other Social Science Courses OR Holder of NCE must have credit passes in WASC or credit or merit passes in TC II (obtained between 1967 and 1981) in English Language and four other relevant matriculation subjects.

    (b) Candidates for the degree of M.Phil and Ph.D. are admitted in the first instance to the Degree of Master Programme. However, candidates who, in addition to a good first degree, and already holding acceptable postgraduate degrees, may be considered for direct admission to the M.Phil and Ph.D. Programmes.

    University of Ibadan Postgraduate school fees

    The school fees vary for each programmes in UI. For instance, in 2013 I paid N100,850 for the first session and N48, 000 for the third semester (Msc Physics). Some departments pay more than what I paid in 2013. I think you should budget N150,000 for the first session of your postgraduate programme irrespective of the department.

    For more information about UI Postgraduate courses, kindly visit http://pgschool.ui.edu.ng/

  • Faces of UI Best students at 2017 convocation

    Faces of UI Best students at 2017 convocation

    The Prestigious University of Ibadan had her convocation ceremony yesterday, 13th November 2017, having Daniel Kenechukwu Nkemelu as the best graduating student (2015/206) session with a CGPA of 7.0 out of a maximum of 7.0. Daniel is currently on a MasterCard Scholarship to Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA for a Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

    Moreover, young Mgbechidinma, Chiamaka Linda emerged as the Best Graduating Female Student of the University. Other awards she received were: Best female graduating student Faculty of science, and Overall best graduating student, Department of Microbiology.

    Other remarkable features mentioned by the Vice-Chancellor Prof. Idowu Olayinka during the Institution 69th anniversary are:

    For the first time in 69 years, the University of Ibadan (UI) has produced its first graduate with a First Class honours degree in History. Ozibo Ekele set an impressive record in the University as he emerged the first student to graduate from the History department with first class since 1948.

    Vice-Chancellor Prof. Idowu Olayinka hailed Ekele for breaking the jinx as the department had never produced a first-class student since inception.

    Two students, Amida Tella and Oluyemi Ajiboye graduating with First Class Honours at the recently released Final Bar qualification examination 2017 of the Nigeria Law School  – said by the V.C

    The VC also said 5,629 students graduated from 12 departments and 186 of them graduated with first-class honours. 1,538 with Second Class Upper, while 3,133 graduated with Second Class Lower.

    The V.C disclosed that the University of Ibadan has conformed to the new grading system from the NUC for undergraduate programmes starting with the institution’s current 100 level students, “a transition from a 7-point grading systems to a 4-point grading system”.

    Daniel Kenechukwu Nkemelu

    Mgbechidinma, Chiamaka Linda

    Ozibo Ekele (Jinx breaker)

    Servantboy uses this medium to congratulate these brains for the remarkable features they achieved.

  • University of Ibadan Courses and Requirements

    University of Ibadan Courses and Requirements

    There are the basic information you need to know about UI admission before you choose when registering for UTME. Some of the vital information that prospective applicants to University of Ibadan need to know about the Undergraduate Admission Policy are as follows:


    Any candidate who wishes to be admitted into the University must have clocked 16 years by 1st of October of the admission year.  Please note that the University shall not waive this requirement.


    Some subjects being offered at the school certificate examinations are not accepted as matriculating subjects by the University Senate.  Find a list of such subjects below (view the list).


    Candidates are enjoined to note that the University of Ibadan does not offer some courses.  These courses include (but not limited to): International Relations, Accounting, Marketing, Public Administration, Business Studies/Administration, Computer Engineering and Chemical Engineering.

    Courses Offered

    • Agricultural Economics
    • Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
    • Agronomy
    • Animal Science
    • Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
    • Crop Protection and Environmental Biology
    • Forest Resources Management
    • Wildlife and Ecotourism Management
    • Anthropology
    • Arabic Studies
    • Archaeology
    • Archeology Combined Degrees in any of the followings: History, Classics, Religious Studies
    • Classics
    • Communication and Language Arts
    • English Language
    • European Studies:
    • [a]  French: French Combined Hons. With One of German/Russian Or With Any Other Arts Subject.
    • German (German Combined Hons. With One of French / Russian)
    • Russian (Russian Combined Hons. With One of French / German or with any other Arts Subjects)
    • History: History B.A Combined Honours (History and Political Science)
    • Islamic Studies
    • Linguistics & African Languages
    • Linguistics
    • Yoruba
    • Igbo
    • Music
    • Philosophy
    • Religious Studies
    • Theatre Arts
    • Adult Education
    • Early Childhood Education
    • Education/Arabic Studies
    • Education/Biology
    • Education/Chemistry
    • Education/Communication & Language Arts
    • Education/Economics
    • Education/English
    • Education/French
    • Education/Geography (Science)
    • Education/Geography (Social Sciences)
    • Education/History
    • Education/Islamic Studies
    • Education/Mathematics
    • Education/Physics
    • Education/Political Science
    • Education/Religious Studies
    • Education/Yoruba
    • Educational Management
    • Guidance and Counselling
    • Health Education
    • Human Kinetics
    • Library, Archival and Information Studies
    • Special Education
    • Biochemistry
    • Dentistry
    • Environmental Studies
    • Human Nutrition
    • Medical Laboratory Science
    • Medicine and Surgery
    • Nursing
    • Physiology
    • Physiotherapy
    • Pharmacy
    • Anthropology Single Honours
    • Anthropology/ Botany Combined Honours
    • Anthropology/ Geography Combined Honours
    • Anthropology/ Zoology Combined Honours
    • Archaeology Single Honours
    • Archaeology/ Botany Combined Honours
    • Archaeology/ Geography Combined Honours
    • Archaeology/ Zoology Combined Honours
    • Botany
    • Chemistry
    • Computer Science
    • Geography
    • Geology
    • Industrial Chemistry
    • Mathematics
    • Microbiology
    • Physics
    • Statistics
    • Zoology
    • Economics
    • Geography
    • Political Science
    • Psychology
    • Sociology
    • Agricultural and Environmental Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    • Food Technology
    • Industrial and Production Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Petroleum Engineering
    • Wood Products Engineering
    • Veterinary Medicine
    • Law

    Admission requirements

    For you to be offered a place in UI must especially your desired course, you must understand that UI uses a combination of O’level results and Post UTME scores. Before you can be qualified to write UI Post UTME, you must score 200 and above in Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

    Having 5 SSCE credits at a sitting or 6 SSCE credits at two sittings as been the one of the eligibility criteria to study in University of Ibadan. However, there are some courses that required a sitting in SSCE.