How WAEC Results Are Graded and Marked 2024

I want to reveal the WAEC Grading system and how the examination sheet is marked in this article. Many candidates who want to write 2024 WASSCE are eager to understand how the examiners will mark and grade their scores.
The truth is that you must do well in all the sections the subjects you are writing are divided into. Also, you may need to consult your various subject teachers to see if they are examiners who can explain the WAEC marking scheme.
Therefore, I have decided to shed light on it before you see your WAEC result.
Grading System
- 75 – 100 (%) – A1
- 70 – 74 (%) – B2
- 65 – 69 (%) – B3
- 60 – 64 (%) – C4
- 55 – 59 (%) – C5
- 50 – 54 (%) – C6
- 45 – 49 (%) – D7
- 40 – 44 (%) – E8
- 0 – 39 (%) – F9
A candidate must score 75% or above in the grading system for an A in any subject. In addition, to score an A, you must know how WAEC will mark your exam booklet.
Recommended: How to adequately prepare and pass WAEC at one sitting
Marking Scheme
Every subject has its marking scheme, and it is this guide the examiners use to arrive at the grade you see in your WASSCE result. For the sake of this article, I will explain how Mathematics, English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology are marked.
Mathematics: A candidate asked – will I pass if I answered 3 out of 5 questions in WAEC mathematics theory? SSCE mathematics comprises 50 objectives and 13 theory questions. The theory questions are divided into part I and Part II. You are to answer ten questions in mathematics theory, all in Part I and five in Part II. The objective questions take 40% of the total mark, while the theory makes 60%. Therefore, to score an A, you must answer 40 correct questions in the objective and at least 8 in theory.
Read: 5 steps to get good marks in Maths
Physics, Chemistry, and Biology: Passing WAEC Chemistry, Physics, and Biology is easy if you understand what I am explaining. These three subjects have practical, objective, and theory sections. The practical section takes 35% of the mark, the 50 objective questions take 25%, and the theory makes the remaining 40%. So, if you want to pass these subjects, you must do the theory, the practical, and the objective well in that order.
English Language: There are 160 objective questions (oral English included) and the theory (comprehension, essay writing).
- The objective section – 40%
- The theory section – 60%
Read: When WAEC result will be released
Good morning
What if I answered 4 and half questions correctly and my objective, I have a chance of getting 40 out of 50 questions
What are my chances of getting C?
If you are sure of the 4 and half theory questions and the 35-40 questions are correct in the object as you have said, your chance of having a C is high, all things being equal.
What if i answer 4 correct questions in yoruba theory and i have a chance of getting 50 out of 60 obj?