
3/8, 5/8, 7/8 As A Decimal

Changing any number to a decimal is not difficult, provided you know the trick to get the answer. Firstly, to convert any fraction to decimal form, we must divide its numerator by the denominator. This way, you will be able to arrive at the correct answer. Now to the main solution.

3/8 as a decimal

3/8 is the same as 3 ÷ 8. Like I said earlier, 8 is the divisor i.e. 8 is the denominator that will divide 3.

8 in 3 will give 0.

So, the next step is to add 0 to 3 to make it 30.

So 8 in 30 is 3

Then multiply 8 by 3, 8 x 3 = 24 (this step is necessary to find the remainder)

Now, subtract 24 from 30, 30 – 24 = 6. Add 0 after 6 to make it 60.

8 in 60 is 7 – remainder 4

Add 0 after 4 to make it 40.

8 in 40 is 5. At this point, you don’t need to add any zero again since there is no reminder.

Therefore, 3/8 as a decimal is 0.375

Read: Are all integers and fractions rational number?

5/8 as a decimal

5/8 is the same as 5 ÷ 8. Like I said earlier, 8 is the divisor, i.e., 8 is the denominator that will divide 5.

8 in 5 will give 0.

So, the next step is to add 0 to 5 to make it 50.

So 8 in 50 is 6

Then multiply 8 by 6, 8 x 6 = 48 (this step is necessary to find the remainder)

Now, subtract 48 from 50, 50 – 48 = 2. Add 0 after 2 to make it 20.

8 in 20 is 2 – remainder 4

Add 0 after 4 to make it 40.

8 in 40 is 5. At this point, you don’t need to add any zero again since there is no reminder.

Therefore, 5/8 as a decimal is 0.625

7/8 as a decimal

7/8 is the same as 7 ÷ 8. Like I said earlier, 8 is the divisor, i.e., 8 is the denominator that will divide 7.

8 in 7 will give 0.

So, the next step is to add 0 to 7 to make it 70.

So 8 in 70 is 8

Then multiply 8 by 8, 8 x 8 = 64 (this step is necessary to find the remainder)

Now, subtract 64 from 70, 70 – 64 = 6. Add 0 after 6 to make it 60.

8 in 60 = 7- reminder 4. Add 0 after 4 to make it 40.

8 in 40 is 5. At this point, you don’t need to add any zero again since there is no remainder.

Therefore, 7/8 as a decimal is 0.875

Bolarinwa Olajire

A tutor with a demonstrated history of working in the education industry. Skilled in analytical skills. Strong education professional with a M. SC focused in condensed matter. You can follow me on Twitter by clicking on the icon below to ask questions.

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